Laudis Herbicide | Crop Science US - Bayer
Laudis® postemergence herbicide provides powerful residual grass and broadleaf control combined with crop safety.
Laudis® – Bayer
Laudis herbicide is a broad-spectrum post-emergence herbicide, recommended for use along with surfactant to control all kinds of grasses and broadleaf weeds in maize. Laudis contains tembotrione and is the latest innovation that uses Bayer’s proven bleacher technology for advanced crop protection.
LAUDIS® Herbicide can be applied postemergence on all types of corn. Best results are obtained when it is applied to young, actively growing w s. LAUD S® Herbicide will affect weeds that are larger than the recommended height; however, it may result in incomplete weed control. Apply LAUDIS® Herbicide at 3 fl
Laudis® Herbicide | Bayer Crop Science Canada
Laudis® herbicide provides control of annual broadleaf weeds in field corn, seed corn and sweet corn with excellent crop safety. See full product details.
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Laudis™ - Bayer
LAUDIS effectively controls the following grass weeds when applied at 3 fl oz/A. The best control of grass weeds is achieved prior to tillering and actively growing.
Laudis | Bayer CropScience | Agworld DBX | Greenbook
Laudis® + Status® Herbicide tank mixture for improved control of broadleaf weeds in seed corn. For control of annual broadleaf and grass weeds in field and silage corn, seed corn, sweet corn and popcorn.