The Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited
Bringing more to your everyday life, KMML touches you in numerous ways. Be it the dress you wear, the cosmetics you use, the medicines you take, the paints you decorate your home with or the utility plastic products, our products are there.
About KMML
Manufacturing Titanium Dioxide through the chloride route, KMML produces very pure rutile grade Titanium dioxide pigment. The different grades churned out by KMML under brand name KEMOX has a ready market which asks for more.
KMML Products
Catering to strict guidelines, KMML offers a wide range of products for quality conscious customers. Our products go into the manufacture of a variety of products used in every day life. Dress materials, facial creams, tablets, newsprints, wood paints, emulsions, enamels, plastics, tooth paste, rubber products, cosmetics, and printing ink ...
The Process - kmml.com
KMML is India’s first and only manufacturer of Rutile Grade Titanium dioxide by chloride process. The chloride process produces TiO2 products by reacting titanium ores with chlorine gas. Beneficiated Ilmenite (BI) is the raw material for the Pigment Production Plant.
KMML Growth Story
This In-house developed process is a significant break through which enables KMML to improve productivity of the plant and for further capacity enhancement. 1999 Bypass system in both streams and support combustion in other streams was also commissioned.
Management - kmml.com
The Kerala Minerals & Metals Ltd. (KMML) is fully owned and managed by the Government of Kerala. The Core Management Team of the company is as follows:
Contact Us - kmml.com
KMML’s Charge Officer for CM’s Grievance Cell Charge Officer - KMML Shri. Jayaprakash M S Phone # - 9446087117 Email - [email protected]
A Brief History - kmml.com
The history of the beaches of Sankarmangalam and nearby areas is inextricably intertwined with the history of KMML. Precious, as was discovered in 1909 by the German scientist Dr. C. W. Schomberg who found traces of monazite in the sand flakes on the imported coir from Sankaramangalam.
Board Of Directors - kmml.com
KMML’s Charge Officer for CM’s Grievance Cell Charge Officer - KMML Shri. Jayaprakash M S Phone # - 9446087117 Email - [email protected] Enquire. Tel: +91 4762651215 To 2651217 . Fax: +91 476 2680101, 2686721 . Contact. The Kerala Minerals & Metals Limited
Financials - kmml.com
KMML’s Charge Officer for CM’s Grievance Cell Charge Officer - KMML Shri. Jayaprakash M S Phone # - 9446087117 Email - [email protected] Enquire. Tel: +91 4762651215 To 2651217 . Fax: +91 476 2680101, 2686721 . Contact. The Kerala Minerals & Metals Limited