Kappa number - Wikipedia
The Kappa number is a measurement of standard potassium permanganate solution that the pulp will consume. The measurement is inflated by the presence of hexenuronic acids in the pulp. These compounds are formed during the chemical pulping process, from the hemicelluloses .
Kappa number of pulp TAPPI/ANSI T 236 om-13
Kappa number is a key test method for determining the level of lignin remaining in a sample of finished or in process pulp. It is thus a measure of the completeness of the pulping process for many kinds of chemical and semichemical pulps, both bleached and semi-bleached.
Kappa number of pulp - pulp paper mill
2016年11月25日 · The kappa number is one of the significant parameters for pulp production. It is determined as the volume of N/10 KMnO 4 solution consumed by one gram of air-dried pulp in an acidic medium. The KMnO 4 solution is spent due to reaction with lignin and others oxidized compounds within a given time.
The kappa number is the volume (in milliliters) of 0.1 N potassium permanganate solution consumed by one gram of moisture-free pulp under the conditions specified in this method. The results are corrected to 50% consumption of the permanganate added.
ISO 302:2015 - Pulps — Determination of Kappa number
ISO 302:2015 specifies a method for the determination of the Kappa number of pulp. The Kappa number is an indication of the lignin content or bleachability of pulp. ISO 302:2015 is applicable to all kinds of chemical pulps and semi-chemical pulps within the Kappa number range 1 to 100.
ISO 302:2015(en), Pulps ? Determination of Kappa number
The Kappa number is an indication of the lignin content or bleachability of pulp. This International Standard is applicable to all kinds of chemical pulps and semi-chemical pulps within the Kappa number range 1 to 100.
ISO 302:2004 - Pulps — Determination of Kappa number
ISO 302:2004 specifies a method for the determination of the Kappa number of pulp. The Kappa number is an indication of the lignin content or bleachability of pulp. ISO 302:2004 is applicable to all kinds of chemical pulps and semi-chemical pulps within the Kappa number range 1 to 100.