The Walls of KV62 and Nicholas Reeves - History Forum
2022年12月11日 · KV62 was quickly adapted for her use, the north wall painted, and Nefertiti entombed. Tut depicted as performing the opening of the mouth ceremony fur her. About 10 years later she was moved out, Tut moved in, and the others walls decorated using the 18 square grid.
The Walls of KV62 and Nicholas Reeves | Page 2 | History Forum
2022年12月11日 · Even if Nefertiti (citing Reeves) was entombed originally in KV62 as a quasi-pharaoh, a queen-pharaoh, or just as a recognised ‘crowned’ (Dodson) or ‘super (Reeves) queen, then Tut officiating as a sem-priest might work too. I’m thinking in light occurs Dodson’s hunch that Tut was coregent with Nefertiti.
KV62 reviewed - History Forum
2020年10月4日 · Nicholas Reeves believes that KV62 was the tomb in which Ankhkheperure Neferneferuaten-Smenkhkare (AKA Nefertiti) was buried prior to Tutankhamun being entombed there. Of course, Reeves thinks Nefertiti still lies there in a hidden chamber. This latter view I have my own doubts about, though as...
KV62 reviewed | Page 2 | History Forum - historum.com
2020年10月18日 · All the times we see the Royal Daughters they are introduced as "born of" the Great Royal Wife Nefertiti Neferneferuaten. That depiction is a part of a wide representation in the tomb of Parennefer [it's the moment when the Royal Couple rewards him]. The rock tombs of El Amarna : Davies, Norman...
KV62 reviewed | Page 8 | History Forum - historum.com
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KV62 reviewed | Page 9 | History Forum - historum.com
The most important qualification to be king is to be son of the king. I have no doubt that Smenkhkare was the son of a king, otherwise it would be very odd indeed that he was ahead of Tutankhaten. He will have been an older son of Akhenaten - an …
The three reign lengths of Horemheb synchronised
2024年12月29日 · That calcite vase/jar in KV62 might be explained as a grave gift for Smenkhkare’s burial. But how did it finally come to be in Tut’s tomb? That might work better if it was originally part of Nefertiti’s grave goods when Tut was put in KV62 and Nefertiti removed (my opinion) and quite a lot of Nefertiti’s grave goods were re-named for Tut.
KV62 reviewed | Page 10 | History Forum - historum.com
Just to be annoying again, about Baketaten, all we really know is that she was a king’s bodily daughter. Her mother is not named though it is assumed she is Tiye’s. She could be a granddaughter. This is in contrast to associated scenes from the tomb of Huya where the daughters of Nefertiti are...
The Curious Case of the Calcite Globular Jar | History Forum
2020年10月22日 · In the tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) a calcite globular vase was found. Inscriptions on it were almost totally erased. Subsequent research reached the conclusion that two pharaohs names were found on it in two sets of dual cartouches. I have found no dissenting opinions regards the theory of the...
The Curious Case of the Calcite Globular Jar
2020年10月22日 · This actually would sit well with my suspicion that KV55 was desecrated and Tiye (and other/s?) were removed at the time Tut was buried. It might work well with my suspicion that items from the tomb wound up in the fill of the staircase to KV62. Jar inscriptions erased (KV62), and canopic jars and coffin erasures (KV55).