Xilinx® 7 series FPGAs comprise four FPGA families that address the complete range of system requirements, ranging from low cost, small form factor, cost-sensitive, high-volume applications to ultra high-end connectivity bandwidth, logic capacity, and signal processing capability for the most demanding high-performance applications.
Kintex 7 FPGAs - AMD
AMD Kintex™ 7 FPGAs provide your designs with exceptional price/performance/watt at 28 nm while giving you high DSP ratios, cost-effective packaging, and support for mainstream standards like PCIe® Gen3 and 10 Gigabit Ethernet.
Xilinx Kintex-7 PCI Express Gen2 / Gen3 Board - HiTech Global
Availability of 8 GTX serial transceivers and 160 single-ended I/Os (80 LVDS) along with wealth of off-the-shelf FMC modules enable the HTG-K700 platform usage for wide variety of different applications.
designs targeted to the high-performance and low-power Xilinx Kintex-7 325T FPGA. The installed Kintex-7 325T device offers a prototyping environment to effectively demonstrate the enhanced benefits of mid-range cost Xilinx FPGA solutions. Reference designs are included with
Kintex 7 FPGA Package Device Pinout Files - Xilinx
Note: The zip file includes ASCII package files in TXT format and in CSV format. The format of this file is described in UG475.
KINTEX-7 系列的芯片, 型号为XC7K325TFFG900。 在FPGA 芯片的HP 端口上连接了4片DDR3 存储芯片,每 片DDR3 �. 量高达512M 字节,组 成64 位的数据带宽。1 个128Mb的QSPI FLASH 用来静态存储. 接口、1 个40 针扩展接口和一些按�. 和接收, 实现4路高速的光纤通信接口。 每路的光�. 接口, 用于和电脑通信, 方便用户调试。 串口芯片采用Silicon Labs CP2102GM . 目摄像 …
XILINX Kintex7 K7 PCIE 4K视频 光纤 FPGA 核心板 XC7K325T …
ALINX, AMD, Xilinx, FPGA,开发板,核心板,黑金,国产,紫光同创, Versal AI Edge, Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC, Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, Zynq 7000 SoC, Kintex ...
7K325T 引脚功能详解 - CSDN博客
2023年6月23日 · 本文针对7K325T芯片,详细讲解 硬件设计 需要注意的技术点,可以作为设计和检查时候的参考文件。 问了方便实用,按照Bank顺序排列,包含配置Bank、HR Bank、HP Bank、 GTX Bank、供电引脚等。 参考文档包括: ds182_Kintex_7_Data_Sheet. ug470_7Series_Config. ug472_7Series_Clocking. ug476_7Series_Transceivers. …
K7 325T的PCB设计 - adaptivesupport.amd.com
XILINX Kintex7 光纤 PCIE FMC LPC FPGA开发板7K325 XC7K325 黑 …
25. ad9238 波形显示例程 26. ad7606 波形显示例程 27. ad / da 测试例程 28. 125m 多通道 ad 测试例程 29. ad9767 双通道正弦波产生 30. ad9767 双通道三角波产生 31. 千兆以太网传输实验 32. ad9238 以太网传输例程 33. ad7606 以太网传输例程 34. ad9280 以太网传输例程 35. 千兆以太网视频传输实验 36. gtx1.25g 光纤通信测试 37.