Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): Diagnosis, Treatment, and Steps …
When present, they usually correspond to a diagnosis of rheumatoid factor-positive polyarticular JIA. HLA-B27. This gene is a risk factor for enthesitis-related JIA. However, some children who have enthesitis-related JIA test negative for HLA-B27, and not all those who test positive have or will ever develop the disease. Other lab tests.
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) Basics - National Institute of ...
Juvenile arthritis describes arthritis in children. Arthritis is caused by inflammation of the joints. Find out all you need to know about juvenile arthritis.
Juvenile Arthritis Treatment & Diagnosis | NIAMS
Overview of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) Like adults, children can develop arthritis, a condition that causes inflammation of the joints. The most common type of chronic, or long-lasting, arthritis that affects children is called juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). JIA is a broad term that includes several different diseases.
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): Research & Resources
To better understand the causes of JIA, researchers are studying patients with systemic JIA over time. Using information gathered from periodic health evaluations and laboratory tests, the investigators expect to learn more about the genes and environmental factors involved in the disease, which may lead to new diagnostics or therapeutic ...
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) Basics: Research & Resources
Juvenile arthritis describes arthritis in children. Arthritis is caused by inflammation of the joints. Find out all you need to know about juvenile arthritis.
NIAMS IRP Presentations at the 2022 ACR Convergence Conference
2022年10月31日 · JIA for the Adult Rheumatology Provider: Taking Care of Children in the Biologic Age and Beyond Systemic Juvenile Arthritis: Clinical Presentation and Management Michael Ombrello, MD ( Conference Schedule )
Michael J. Ombrello, M.D. | About NIAMS | NIAMS
2024年10月22日 · Ombrello MJ, Arthur VL, Remmers EF, Hinks A, Tachmazidou I, Grom AA, Foell D, Martini A, Gattorno M, Özen S, Prahalad S, Zeft AS, Bohnsack JF, Ilowite NT, Mellins ED, Russo R, Len C, Hilario MO, Oliveira S, Yeung RS, Rosenberg AM, Wedderburn LR, Anton J, Haas JP, Rosen-Wolff A, Minden K, Tenbrock K, Demirkaya E, Cobb J, Baskin E, Signa S, Shuldiner E, Duerr RH, Achkar JP, Kamboh MI, Kaufman ...
Health Lesson: Learning About Joints | NIAMS
2024年11月15日 · The most common type of arthritis in children is called juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). There are several types of JIA, many of which are autoimmune (aa-tow-uh-MYOON) in nature. In autoimmune diseases, the body mistakenly attacks its own cells and tissues. Taking specific medicines and having a healthy lifestyle can help kids with JIA feel ...
Shajia Lu | About NIAMS | NIAMS
2022年9月28日 · Shajia is a biologist in the Translational Immunology Section of the NIAMS.
Pediatric Translational Research Branch | NIAMS
The long-term goals of the Pediatric Translational Research laboratory are to understand cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of spondyloarthritis.