Evolution of the Jegan - 1989 to 2018 : r/Gundam - Reddit
2018年10月18日 · The D-Type is my favorite Jegan variant. That slightly darker green really suits it instead of that mint sea-green color as seen on the original Jegan's gunpla kit. It's too bad …
Why is the Jegan considered a good mobile suit? In Char’s
2020年11月10日 · Jegan is a good mobile suit but yeah in Char's Counterattack it shows them getting destroyed by Neo Zeon. If you think that is bad you should watch Gundam F91 when …
Everybody's Favorite : Stark Jegan Pilot [by 飛鷹/涼月くらら]
2020年3月6日 · The jegan was always one of my favorite mobile suits as a kid (mostly because of its green color). When I got back into gundam Unicorn was where I started, and having the …
Jegan (ECOAS Type) Stat and skill : r/GBO2 - Reddit
2022年3月24日 · The jegan beam rifle is canonically tuned for high rate of fire yet in game is refreshes and reloads at a glacial pace. They could have given this fake beacon lvl 2 at least. …
I believe in Jegan Pilot supremacy. : r/Gundam - Reddit
2021年6月20日 · I know the Stark Jegan is a veteran of CCA, but OYW parts was news to me, was it stated anywhere? While the Stark Jegan itself isn't a grunt suits per said, but it's isn't a …
Jegan Type D (Impressions?) : r/GBO2 - Reddit
2021年12月9日 · The melee isn't even that great since it still has Jegan beam saber just with +8 melee correction in return for -12 shooting correction. Since OG Jegan could go …
Stark Jegan Advice : r/GBO2 - Reddit
2022年2月10日 · Stark Jegan has now my new favorite general over the the standard Jegan. I cant remember what exactly i use but i max out the range danage and reload speed and fill in …
Stark Jegan, tips? : r/GBO2 - Reddit
2023年6月28日 · Stark Jegan is not exactly a close range general, you CAN melee, but its best to just barrage away, especially with all the stealth raids and everyone and their dog getting MA. …
RGM-89D Jegan Type-D modeled in Blender : r/Gundam - Reddit
2019年10月31日 · I can then get creative and create custom armor parts or change the proportions on certain features. For instance, I don’t own the MG Jegan Type-D, I just …
MG Stark Jegan assembled pics + mini review : r/Gunpla - Reddit
2023年9月3日 · Completed assembling my copy of the Premium Bandai 1/100 MG Stark Jegan kit that I bought earlier this year. The inner frame/skeleton is basically the same as the regular …