XH Connector | JST Sales America
The Guntersville Assembly Manufacturing (GAM) division of JST is a full-service cable and harness assembly operation. By using the latest technology and exclusive equipment, we are able to create cutting-edge custom cable assemblies out of JST connectors. VIEW PRODUCTS ON GAM-GEC.COM
XH CONNECTOR 2.5mmピッチ/基板対電線接続用/圧着・嵌合タ …
XH CONNECTOR 2.5mmピッチ/基板対電線接続用/圧着・嵌合タイプ
1. Contact JST if you require gold-plated contacts or contacts made of brass. 2. Contact JST also if you require shielded wires, thin wires or other special wires. 3. SXH-001T-P0.6N is low-insertion force type contact, for easier insertion/ withdrawal, which would be less resistant to the vibration. Shape A Shape B No. of circuits Model No.
XH Series Connectors - JST Sales America | DigiKey - Digi-Key …
2016年11月23日 · The JST XH series are compact yet highly versatile and reliable wire-to-board connectors available in 20 positions. Buy XH series connectors at Digi-Key today!
XH 系列连接器 - JST | DigiKey
JST XH 系列 2.5 mm (0.984") 点距、压接式可断开连接器在其高度可靠和多用途的 NH 系列连接器基础之上开发而来。该连接器非常小,安装高度为 9.8 mm。这些线对板连接器通常用于为印刷电路板供电。XH 系列连接器提供一至二十八个针位选择。它们适合 22 到 30 AWG 线径。
XH 系列連接器 - JST Sales America - DigiKey
JST XH 系列無法斷開、2.5 mm (0.984") 間距、壓接式連接器,係以 NH 系列連接器的高可靠度和多功能性為基礎進行開發。此連接器非常小巧,安裝高度為 9.8 mm。
B2B-XH-A(LF)(SN)_JST_B2B-XH-A(LF)(SN)中文资料_PDF手册_价 …
JST - XH Connector
The XH connector was developed based on the high reliability and versatility of our NH series connectors. The connector is very small with a mounting height of 9.8mm (.386"). Yet it meets the needs for high-density mounting and miniaturization of electronic equipment, including VCRs, radio-cassette players, and car stereo systems
XH Connector Datasheet - JST Sales America Inc | DigiKey
View XH Connector from JST Sales America Inc at DigiKey. ... Contact JST if you require gold-plated contacts or contacts made of brass. 2. Contact JST also if you require shielded wires, thin wires or other . special wires. 3. SXH-001T-P0.6N is …