JBL LX155 (3-Way Loudspeaker) - audioheritage.org
2004年12月29日 · I am searching for the technical specifications of the JBL LX155 (3-Way Bassreflex Loudspeaker). Would be grateful if somebody could help - Thanx. 07-15-2013, …
JBL LX 16 Crossover conversion - audioheritage.org
The funny thing about the L300 is the crossover point is even lower than the L200, it's at 800 Hz and for some reason that is acceptable for the LE85, JBL never issued a fix for the N333 or …
JBL LX 30 crossovers - audioheritage.org
2003年5月26日 · JBL LX 30 crossovers I have a pair of LX 30 crossovers. I would like to verify that the crossover freq is ...
JBL LX300 - Can I do better? - audioheritage.org
My most recent set of speakers were a set of JM Lab Electra 906 bookshelfs. Very good speakers in their own right but just didn't give me that wow factor with my setup. On a whim (more like …
JBL LX-55, Who made this??? HELP!!!!!! - audioheritage.org
Please give some comments about my JBL's Pair. Is there anyway to know if the Drivers were manufactured by JBL, based on Part Number? The serial Number of my JBL LX-55 is: J215 …
JBL LX 55 crossover mod compatible with LX 155?
The only mod for LX-55 I found on the inter-tubes was a fix for the "hot" tweeter. I put 5 ohms in series with the tweeter and it calmed things down enough to make them spare bedroom …
JBL LX5 Vintage Speakers - audioheritage.org
2008年3月1日 · i just recieved a call from a JBL fanatic and he said he could sell them for me for $2500-$3000 and he ...
JBL LX10 crossover help needed - audioheritage.org
2004年2月6日 · JBL LX10.gif I usually drill out the rivets and replace them with self-tapping screws. Usually foam squares and rectangles. You might want to replace the caps with new …
Jbl Lx600 - audioheritage.org
In my experience almost any speaker with JBL's name on it is at least worth a listen. Since you haven't mentioned price, you should give it a listen and tell us what you think. In general, any …
JBL LX-16 crossover and 2420 diaphragm impedence question
I am not very familiar with what range a JBL diaphragm for a 2420 reads. I am not sure if the diaphragms have been replaced but the drivers are originally 16 ohms. My meter reads like …