How does the speed of the AMD 486 DX4-100 compare to the …
2001年1月22日 · All DX4 and DX5 are 3.3 or 3.45V by the way, with the exception of the Intel DX4 overdrive, which is a 3.3V chip with an on-chip power converter to make it work in a 5V-only socket. Finally, Intel and AMD 486-class processors had exactly the same instruction and data throughput in their processor core.
The last fanless CPU to be manufactured? - AnandTech Forums
2018年9月24日 · I have an old DTK 486 system with an Intel dx4 100 in it. Its just has the ceramic lid no heatsink or fan to keep it cool. Even the case doesn't use any fans to help with venting heck the only fan in the system is the one in the psu. If we are talking old school x86 then ya I think fanless ended with the 486.
Quick trip into the past: - AnandTech Forums
2007年1月12日 · I was digging through some boxes and came across some old processors. Here's a list: Intel DX4 486 Chip AMD Am5x86 P75 AMD K5 PR100 Intel Pentium 75mhz (Goldtop) Intel Pentium 133 Intel Pentium i166 Intel Pentium i200 Pentium II chip: 350mhz Intel Celeron 433mhz AMD K6 300mhz AMD...
I need help setting up the RAM on my 486 DX4-100 to get it …
2000年11月20日 · I end up working with a lot of older machines, and would LOVE to have a 486 board that will identify a single EDO SIMM. It would be extremely useful to me. Seems like I had a late Gateway-Intel-Phoenix PCI bus board that had that feature once. VLB stands for VESA Local Bus, a precursor to PCI bus. viz
What size hard drive can I probably put in my 486 DX4-100?
2001年7月7日 · I picked up a 486 DX4-100 for $15, and it has a 600 MB HDD attached to a VLB HDD controller card. For a while I just ran Win95A on it and I was fine with the size, but now I'm fast running out of room since I've decided to dualboot with NT Workstation 4.0. I do have an extra 1.6 GB HDD that I can stick in there. My question is, should it work?
Whats faster, 486DX4 100MHZ OR Pentium 75...? - AnandTech …
2004年10月29日 · The DX4 used a 25MHz bus (4*25). The P75 used a 50MHz bus (IIRC 1.5*50). The 586 core was also about twice as fast as the 486DX core at the same clock speed. Even a 586 60MHz (IIRC 1*60) would smoke a 486DX4 4*25 MHz in most apps. Edit: Plus, Georges comment is correct about the FPU. Again IIRC, the 586 FPU core was basically two 486 FPU …
Which was Intel's first CPU to require a cooler?
2013年3月26日 · The first Intel CPU I remember seeing with a heat sink and fan was on a 486 DX2 100 MHz that my friend and I purchased as an upgrade to his 33 MHz CPU. If I remember correctly we could only get it to run at 66 MHz though. And don't get me started on the 256 MB hard drive that came with the computer. Filled that turd up in no time.
Page 2 - Whats faster, 486DX4 100MHZ OR Pentium 75...?
2004年5月9日 · Yes, the P60 was short lived for that reason. I remember trying the equation with a Packard Bell P60 and it failed. We sent it back and got a P90 replacement for same price ($900). Intel grew quickly after that. The Pentium Pro 200 was next big leap @ 5 1/2 million transistors, P6..
Unusual screen fade then restart loop - AnandTech Forums
2013年9月6日 · Hi This is a question relating to a Saber guillotine/paper cutter at my place of employment, it has some kind of PC layout inside it and a touch screen on the front. When it boots up, and I'm no PC expert, it starts scrolling through …
what is fastest cpu to fit in socket3? - AnandTech Forums
2001年9月4日 · << For the newer motherboards with a white 237 pin PGA OverDrive socket (Socket 3: 3.3 V, 5 V), that do satisfy the heat specifications, there will be an Intel Pentium CPU at 3.3 V with a ventilator on the IC. >> Might be some kind of a lead here.