靶点梳理:白细胞介素-22 (IL-22) - 知乎
白细胞介素-22 (IL-22)是于2000年发现的由激活的T细胞分泌的细胞因子,是细胞因子 IL-10家族 (还包括IL-19,IL-20,IL-24,IL-26,IL-28,IL-29)的成员。 人类分泌的IL-22有146个氨基酸。 IL-22由被激活的免疫细胞在炎症或感染反应中产生,主要通过与上皮细胞和基质细胞表面选择性表达的 IL-22受体 结合而作用于这些细胞类型。 一旦与IL-22受体结合, IL-22促进各种组织和器官的增殖、重塑和修复,以维持控制病原体入侵的固有宿主防御机制。 IL-22受体为异源二聚体受体复合 …
IL22RA1 Gene - GeneCards | I22R1 Protein | I22R1 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · IL22RA1 (Interleukin 22 Receptor Subunit Alpha 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with IL22RA1 include Spondyloarthropathy and Erythematosquamous Dermatosis. Among its related pathways are Akt Signaling and …
Therapeutic opportunities of the IL-22–IL-22R1 system - Nature
2013年12月31日 · Data obtained over the past few years indicate that the IL-22–IL-22 receptor subunit 1 (IL-22R1) system has a high potential clinical relevance in psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, graft-versus-host...
The Roles of IL-22 and Its Receptor in the Regulation of …
Interleukin (IL)-22 is a potent mediator of inflammatory responses. The IL-22 receptor consists of the IL-22Rα and IL-10Rβ subunits. Previous studies have shown that IL-22Rα expression is restricted to non-hematopoietic cells in the skin, pancreas, intestine, liver, lung, and kidney.
Interleukin-22: immunobiology and pathology - PMC
Interleukin-22 (IL-22) is a recently described IL-10 family cytokine that is produced by T-helper (Th)-17 cells, γδ T cells, NKT cells and newly described innate lymphoid cells (ILCs).
Interleukin-22 receptor - Wikipedia
Interleukin-22 receptor is a type II cytokine receptor. It binds to Interleukin-22. It is a heterodimer of α1 [1] and IL-10Rβ2 [1] subunits. ^ a b Xie MH, Aggarwal S, Ho WH, Foster J, Zhang Z, …
IL-22 通路 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
可溶形式 IL-22R,也称为 IL-22BP (IL-22 结合蛋白) 或 IL-22RA2 (IL-22 受体 α2),可阻止 IL-22 与细胞表明有功能的 IL-22R 复合物结合,并且中和 IL-22 活性。 IL-22 BP 还会阻断 IL-22 对 …
Therapeutic opportunities of the IL-22-IL-22R1 system - PubMed
This Review highlights current knowledge of the biology of the IL-22-IL-22R1 system, its role in inflammation, tissue protection, regeneration and antimicrobial defence, as well as the positive and potentially negative consequences of its therapeutic modulation.
2024年12月18日 · IL22是一种分泌蛋白,这种细胞因子的结构为α螺旋形,包含179个氨基酸,含有六个α螺旋,这些螺旋以反平行方式结合在一起,形成类似单体束的构象。 (数据来源 AlphaFold) IL22与它的受体IL22R1(IL22Rα)和IL10R2(IL10Rβ)形成异二聚体复合物。 IL22与IL22R1的结合亲和力高,而与IL10R2的亲和力较低。 当IL22与IL22R1结合时,会引起构象变化,增加与IL10R2的亲和力。 IL22、IL22Rα和IL10Rβ三元复合物的整体结构与其他第二类 …
Functional biology of the IL-22-IL-22R pathway in regulating ... - PubMed
Expression of interleukin (IL)-22, a member of the IL-10 cytokine family, has recently been reported in a number of human diseases, including mucosal-associated infections and inflammatory disorders of the intestine, skin, and joints.