Iodine fluoride oxide (IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) - LookChem
Iodine fluoride oxide (IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) Safety Profile Ignites on contact with flammable organic materials. When heated to decomposition it emits very toxic fumes of F − and I − .
Iodine fluoride oxide(IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) - Guidechem …
2022年11月12日 · Iodine fluoride oxide (IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) CAS 25402-50-0 WIKI information includes physical and chemical properties, USES, security data, NMR spectroscopy, computational chemical data and more.
25402-50-0 氟化碘氧化物(IF3O2), (TB-5-11 ... - ChemNet
氟化碘氧化物(IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) Iodine fluoride oxide(IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) 25402-50-0 - CAS数据库 生意宝 生意社 生意圈 全球化工网 ChinaChemNet 免费注册 用户登录 服务中心
三氟氧化碘 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
三氟氧化碘 是 碘 的一种 氟氧化物,化学式 IOF 3。 三氟氧化碘可以由 碘 、 氟气 和少量 氧气 的反应, 五氟化碘 的部分水解或是五氟化碘与 五氧化二碘 反应而成。 [5] 三氟氧化碘是白色晶体。 [1] 虽然人们之前认为它的结构为离子化合物 [IO 2] + [IF 6] -[5],但之后的研究发现它其实以跷跷板形分子存在。 [3] 三氟氧化碘在110°C下分解成 碘酰氟 和 五氟化碘,不过反应可逆。 [5] 它和 五氟化溴 反应,生成 溴酰氟 [1],而和氟离子受体 IO 2 F 3 反应则会生成聚合物 [IO 2 F 4 ·IOF 2] …
25402-50-0 cas号25402-50-0分子式、结构式、MSDS、熔点、沸点
英文名称: Iodine fluoride oxide(IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) CAS No.: 25402-50-0; 分子式: F3IO2 同分异构体; 分子量: 215.898; 更新日期: 2022-11-12 04:55
25402-50-0 - Chemical Dictionary- Guidechem
Iodine fluoride oxide(IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) CAS No: 25402-50-0; Molecular Weight: 215.898; Molecular Formula:F 3 IO 2; Safety and Handling MSDS Infomation 0 Suppliers
25402-50-0 - 爱化学
化工产品查询提供CAS号25402-50-0,,Iodine fluoride oxide(IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI),F3IO2物理化学基本性质,分子式,分子结构,密度,熔点,沸点,价格,作用,应用,供应商,危险品标志,别名等信息
Iodine fluoride oxide (IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) | 25402-50-0
Chemical name:Iodine fluoride oxide(IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) ; CAS NO:25402-50-0; Molecular Formula:F 3 IO 2 ; Molecular Weight:215.9; EINECS: The physical and chemical property of 25402-50-0 is provided by ChemNet.com
Iodine fluoride oxide(IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) (cas 25402-50-0) …
Iodine fluoride oxide(IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI) CAS 25402-50-0 SDS including Hazard identification, Composition/information on ingredients, First-aid measures, Fire-fighting measures, Accidental release measures, Handling and storage, Exposure controls/personal protection, Physical and chemical properties etc.
Cas 25402-50-0,Iodine fluoride oxide(IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI
Lookchem Provide Cas No.25402-50-0 Basic information: Properties,Safety Data,Sds and Other Datebase. We also Provide Trading Suppliers & Manufacture for 25402-50-0 Iodine fluoride oxide(IF3O2), (TB-5-11)- (9CI).