"IDK" Punchlines - Know Your Meme
"IDK" Punchlines refers to a series of recaption memes in which the entire punchline has been replaced with the word "IDK" (short for "I don't know"). Spawned by a viral What Happened to Him? meme posted in May 2021, the format was popularized on Twitter in November 2021.
IDK I've Never - Know Your Meme
IDK I've Never and IDK I Haven't refer to a series of snowclone memes in which an uneducated guess is made about the plot of books, films and video games based solely on their name, with the author of the meme then admitting that they have never read, seen or played it.
My Prof: IDK - Know Your Meme
My Prof: IDK refers to a series of jokes using a phrasal template in which college professors are confronted with arguments, which often reference prominent conspiracy theories, to which they reply "idk."
I Dunno LOL ¯\ (°_o)/¯ - Know Your Meme
Status Confirmed Year 2006 Origin Unknown Tags dunno, lol, image macro, 4chan, dog, lolcat, reverse caption, comment, comments Additional References Encyclopedia Dramatica Urban Dictionary ¯\ (°_o)/¯ About I dunno LOL (emoticon: ¯\ (°_o)/¯ ) is an expression denoting a sense of confusion, derived from the common English idiom "I don't know" and the acronym LOL which stands for "laugh out ...
What Happened to Him? - Know Your Meme
'IDK' Punchlines refers to a series of recaption memes in which the entire punchline has been replaced with the word "IDK" (short for "I don't know"). Spawned by a viral What Happened to Him? meme posted in May 2021, the format was popularized on Twitter in November 2021.
IdkSterling Yapping - Know Your Meme
IdkSterling Yapping refers to a series of memes and parodies that show TikToker IdkSterling interrupting a video to "yap" exemplified by him being greenscreened in and sped-up, having his words replaced with a nonsensical audio.
IDK My BFF Jill - Know Your Meme
*"IDK My BFF Jill" is an SMS shorthand for "I don't know, my best friend forever Jill?" Since its first appearance in a mobile service commercial in early 2007, the phrase quickly became a subject of online parodies and exploitables due to its tacky imitation of SMS language popular among teenagers.
I Have No Idea What I'm Doing | Know Your Meme
Meme Status Confirmed Year 2011 Origin Tumblr Tags i have no idea, no idea, no idea what im doing, dog, anthropomorphic dog, dog photo Additional References Meme Generator About "I Have No Idea What I'm Doing" is a catchphrase often used in image macro captions featuring photos of animals, typically canines, posed as if they are performing tasks associated with humans, in a similar vein to ...
What Happened to Him? IDK | "IDK" Punchlines | Know Your Meme
Who Is David Vujanić, aka Vuj? The Man Behind The 'Awkward White People Smile' Meme Revealed
IdkSterling Viggle AI TikToks - Know Your Meme
Submission AI-generated, Exploitable 2024 United States idk sterling, idksterling, tiktok, viggleai, viggle ai, this is bullying, idksterling tiktok ban, idksterling tiktok ai brainrot, trend, meme, saints, joe bartolozzi, who is idk sterling, why are people making ai edits of idksterling About