Healthcare Isolated Power Panels - Bender Inc
Bender isolated power panels provide isolated power to electrical systems in operating rooms and other critical care areas. Utilizing the latest in technology, Bender equipment ensures that electrical ground faults are detected and located fast and automatically, in compliance with the latest standards and code requirements.
Bender‘s standard Modular Isolation Power Panel (MIP / MIE) provides power for a single- voltage system with standard features, as well as compatiblity with advanced features including fault location and communications.
Modular Isolation Power Panels (MIP & MIE) - Bender Inc
2020年9月30日 · Designed in strict compliance with requirements including NFPA 99, NFPA 70, UL 1047, and UL 1022, BENDER isolated power panels offer the most up-to-date technology for all isolated power distribution requirements.
Isolated Power Panels - Bender Inc
2019年5月13日 · Bender Isolated Power Panels are designed to provide isolated power to electrical systems in operating rooms and other critical areas. Designed in strict compliance with CEC 200-24, CSA Z32, UL 1047, UL 1022, and UL 50, BENDER isolated power panels offer the most up-to-date technology for all isolated power distribution requirements.
Standard modular isolation power panels (MIP / MIE) from Bender provide power for a single-voltage system with standard features, as well as compatibility with advanced features including fault location and communications. Built-in power receptacles and ground jacks are also available upon request. Modular Isolated Power Panels Ordering Guide
High-quality panels you’ve always experienced, now through your OEM, Bender Proudly incorporating: Isolated power panelsmonitor ungrounded power systems and protect against electrical shock, while offering: Hinged trim and backbox system Modular panel system including: One interior and line isolation monitor (LIM)
IPP Configurator Sandbox - benderinc.com
This PLC controlled panel provides a single voltage output to power multiple controlled receptacles.
Grounded vs. ungrounded lines in an operating room
2020年7月15日 · Circuit Breakers in the Isolation Power Panel (IPP) The Line Isolation Monitor (LIM) Most receptacles (electrical outlets) distributed throughout the operating room
Bender North America
Bender's protection panels (GFGC, LifeGuard®, MarinaGuard®) offer comprehensive solutions for various applications, integrating a range of Bender devices. Isolated power systems for healthcare facilities
Configuración del Panel: Configuración estándar con monitoreo de la carga del sistema Opciones de receptáculos de fuerza grado hospital y conectores de tierra integrados al tablero Opción de bloqueo de circuitos mediante PLC Números de parte, ejemplo: (10 kVA, 220/120V, montaje de empotrar) Kit de transformador: XMK10HA