Is IOU an abbreviation, an acronym, or an initialism?
2014年10月23日 · It can't be an acronym because we don't pronounce IOU as one word, whereas we do with NATO and RAM. It can't be an initialism because if it was, it should be written as …
请问深度学习yolov8测试验证的时候,参数conf和iou必须用默认值 …
iou(交并比阈值) iou 参数设置检测边界框与真实边界框之间重叠的阈值。更高的 iou 值意味着只有重叠率更高的检测才会被视为有效。这可以提高检测的精度,但也可能使检测部分遮挡或形 …
iou loss是用来计算损失的,那iou的作用是什么? - 知乎
2021年6月9日 · iou就是两个box之间的交并比,是目标检测模型的重要性能提现之一。至于iou loss,是大佬们发现之前的回归预测使用的smooth l1 loss把四个点当成4个回归对象在进 …
Once you've introduce an acronym / initialism should you always …
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their …
3D目标检测怎样计算IoU? - 知乎
3D目标检测,Box是3D的,存在一个角度的问题,那么预测Box和GT Box怎样计算IoU?需要考虑角度的问题吗?
capitalization - "you" versus "You" as polite form of writing
Is it correct to write "You" with a capital Y as a form of politeness? If yes, should I use that form throughout the entire letter/document, or only at specific places?
uei,iou,uen分别写作ui,iu,un; jü qü xü和韵母üê中ü写为u; iê,üê中的ê写作e(ê这个字母现在已经基本没有使用了,e和i一样表示两种元音); 之所以倾向于用附加字母替代基本拉丁 …
YOLO 损失函数中confidence的预测值和真实值分别是怎么得到 …
如果一个物体的中心在某个cell内,那么真实值confidence=1*1=1;否则为0。预测值如果检测到目标,其confidence=1*IOU=IOU。否则为0;前面的1为Pr(Obj)。 因为分类是在anchor已经检 …
grammar - "Is there" versus "Are there" - English Language
Always use the plural "are" with a plural subject (e.g. "question"), and the singular "is" with a singular subject (e.g. "article"), or with an uncountable subject (e.g. "water").
What is it called when single letters are used as words in a …
2015年6月8日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …