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NXP Community
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i.MX 8/8X/8XLite - LPDDR4 and DDR3L memory compatibility guide
2024年5月16日 · The purpose of this document is to provide supportive information for selection of suitable LPDDR4 and DDR3L devices that are supported by i.MX 8/8X/8XLite family of processors to aid project feasibility assessment capabilities of customers that are evaluating the SoCs for usage in their products. ...
i.MX8 Boot process and creating a bootable image
2024年1月19日 · This document intends to provide an overview of the i.MX8 Boot process and walk you through the process of creating a bootable image. Boot process Coming out of a reset state the i.MX8 ROM (firmware that is stored in non-volatile memory of the i.MX8) reads the boot mode pins to determine the boot ...
Manually build Boot binary for i.MX8M Mini - NXP Community
2020年2月5日 · Thank you. I see that mkimage_imx8 could add CSF information into the flash.bin, there is a CSF argument, a CSF plugin argument and a csf_hdmi plugin argument options when calling it. Are these info filling the same CSF section that is filled by the CST tool or do these mean different sections , different information ?
Build Ubuntu For i.MX8 Series Platform - NXP Community
2019年7月19日 · The Guide is how to use Ubuntu filesystem with i.MX8 series platform.At present, I had try it on i.MX8QXP with 4.14.98 kernel with ubuntu16.04. The Document will be continuously updated with enable VPU, ubuntu18.04. The desktop we can chose Gnome or weston. Because driver support issue, gc7000 se...
Chapter 1 Overview. This document’s purpose is to help hardware engineers design and test their i.MX 8 series processor-based designs.
How to compile Linux Kernel Image and device tree using Yocto SDK
iMX8 and iMX9: $: make imx_v8_defconfig . iMX6 and iMX7: $: make imx_v7_defconfig . 7. Compiling Device Trees Only . To compile only the device tree files, run: $: make dtbs . 8. Compiling the Kernel. Finally, compile the kernel image using: $ make -j $(nproc) The resulting kernel image will be located in: iMX8 and iMX9: arch/arm64/boot/ iMX6 ...
COMPANY PUBLIC 3 i.MX Applications Processor Values • Trusted Supply − Product longevity: Minimum 10 to 15 years
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i.MX8X 硬件开发向导与指南 - NXP Community
本文旨在说明基于i.MX8X如何设计硬件平 台,包括相关设计资源的收集与学习,硬件原 理图设计,layout,启动(bring up ...