IE Mode not working - Microsoft Community
2024年1月28日 · I have enabled IE mode in edge settings, both turning on "Allow sites to be reloaded in Interne t Explorer mode (IE mode)" and turning on "Interne t Explorer mode (IE …
How to Extend IE mode more than 30 days - Microsoft Community
2022年3月3日 · You can use the IEModeExpiryFix script to set the expiry for all Edge IE Mode pages to a far future date of your choice (2099 by default). Please see the notes at that link for …
How can enable internet explorer mode in microsoft edge forever …
2022年5月8日 · Hello, I'm Louie, and I'm happy to help you today. Hope you're doing well and safe there. I understand you wish to enable IE mode on Microsoft Edge. To enable IE mode on …
IE Mode Tabs not keeping session - Microsoft Community
2020年2月28日 · IE Mode Tabs not keeping session I am having an issue with internet explorer mode in Edge Chromium 80.0.361.62. I have multiple websites set to open in Internet Explorer …
edge 使用ie模式访问设置只有30天限制,可以设置成永久吗
2022年5月23日 · 感谢您的反馈,根据我的理解,您是希望将公司网站永久添加到ie模式的列表中 非常抱歉,个人用户的话,无法变更这个选项 但是如果您是公司用户,您可以请公司的IT设置一个IE网 …
Does safari have an IE integrater like fi… - Apple Community
2009年6月18日 · so, if i select ie as the user agent, it will use it for all sites, not just the selected site? It will use it for that particular window/tab session, so as long as you kee browsing in the …
How could I change the default page that loads when a new tab is ...
Check the option "Show homepage button" if the option "New tab page" is checked, mark the option at the bottom and paste the address of the page you want to open on the homepage; …
Is there an "IE tab" tool for Safari? - Apple Community
2006年10月19日 · Now that IE for Mac is dead [amen], I am wondering if there is a way to emulate IE inside of Safari for those websites that don't display properly in Safari. no, they do …
Internet Explorer mode gone? - Microsoft Community
2020年6月1日 · I had the "Enable IE integration" enabled in edge://flags and had been running Edge in admin with the command line "--ie-mode-test" This was working on Friday 29th May …
IE Mode option disappeared from Edge Browser for several users
2022年6月17日 · We have deployed the Enterprise Mode Site List and that's a workaround but we need this group of users to be able to use the Local Site List controls as they are software …