Gtx 1080 ti & old i7 920 @ 3.6ghz bench - [H]ard|Forum
2017年9月11日 · That alternate i7-920 system with the 1080TI is just a random one I found on futuremark's site with the same exact Mhz on the 1080TI in my 7700k system for a fair GPU …
i7 920 - Core Temperature Differences - [H]ard|Forum
2007年1月25日 · Just finished an i7 build and I'm a little curious about temperature differences across the cores. i7 920 @ stock / Vigor Monsoon III / Arctic Silver 5 Asus P6T (Bios settings …
i7 920 Default Voltage question... - [H]ard|Forum
2004年10月11日 · Hello all, Before I bought my i7 920 I read that the default voltage is 1.2, however, I checked CPUZ and my default voltage (at Auto) is at 1.056. Do I need to set it at …
i7 920 Stuck at 12x multiplier - [H]ard|Forum
2009年2月12日 · Some folks over in the GPU section (other than offering some good advice regarding upgrade paths on gpus and whatnot) recommended I try out switching to a X5650 …
i7 920 load temps...are they normal? - [H]ard|Forum
2011年10月22日 · I currently have my i7 920 @ 1.325V (D0) and it idles ~31C with an ambient room temp of 77F. Under load (prime95 particularly) it may reach 75-77C. All specs are …
Please Recommend i7 920 Upgrade - [H]ard|Forum
2008年3月25日 · Hoping to get some recommendations to upgrading my i7 920 setup I use for gaming: i7 920 @ 3.9GHz EVGA GTX 970 EVGA X58 SLI3 motherboard SanDisk SSD …
How many watts does your i7 920 and accessories consume?
2009年11月1日 · I recently got aggrivated at the increase in my bills for electric.. realizing the source is obviously my main rig.. i did some testing.. I have a ups that monitors watts.. …
Overclocking i7 920 on Intel DX58SO - [H]ard|Forum
2000年8月6日 · I have an i7-920 and a DX58SO in my auxiliary box. Truth is, the components on that board are just not good enough to reach much higher than about 3.7 to 3.8 GHz with that …
Intel Core i7 920 D0 Overclock - [H]ard|Forum
2009年3月15日 · I stumbled across this other thread on another forum where a guy overclocks a D0 revision of the i7 920. Well, he got some pretty remarkable results. The thread continues …
I7 975 Extreme vs I7 920 DO - [H]ard|Forum
2007年6月4日 · Anyway, yeah the i7 920 is the better choice in this case. Just think about it: That $800 additional price will not make your system last nor perform that much better than the i7 …