What is the actual meaning/origin of the prefix 'homo'? - Reddit
2014年9月30日 · In this case we're using homo from the Latin, and the Latin sapiens (wise,sensible, judicious). This, by the way is why we call animals with senses sentient ( …
如何通俗地解释LUMO HOMO? - 知乎
homo,highest occupied molecule orbital,能量最高的被占 分子轨道 ,就像先辈。 先辈事先辈,常常 雷普 后辈(在后辈上面),但是还是被 远野 压在身下力 远野,常常被雷普(暴 …
为什么「智人」的英文「 Homo sapiens sapiens 」中有两个「 …
Homo sapiens sapiens,这个命名结构是genus species subspecies,有时候在subspecies之前会加【sp. 】或者【subsp. 】来标记亚种以免混淆。 Homo是属(genus)名,拉丁文的‘人’的意 …
Is Homo Gorleo a reference to something? : …
2023年12月21日 · The other boss that was revealed so far, Homo Avades (pic 2), is taken straight from one of the creatures in Hieronymus Bosch's depictions of hell. I feel like Gorleo also has …
Tales From da Hood: Darryl “Hommo” Baum (Rip ) : r ... - Reddit
2020年5月10日 · Hommo aka Homicide was allegedly the shooter that shot 50 cent 9 times after Supreme put money on his head . Before he was laying shit down he use to be known for his han
Homo Nintendonus : r/Mario - Reddit
2022年6月6日 · None of them are Homo Nintendonus. They’re all Homo Sapiens. The guide that “Homo Nintendonus” comes from isn’t canon, and even then the name is listed as a joke. …
Why are We Still Homo Sapiens? : r/AskAnthropology - Reddit
Homo Sapiens Sapiens refers to only modern anatomically correct humans. (Off the top of my head I think our specific species has only been around for 50-70 thousand years, while the …
基态和激发态与homo和lumo能有什么区别? - 知乎
homo和lumo分别代表分子中能量最高的占据轨道和能量最低的未占据轨道。 基态与激发态的关系与HOMO和LUMO之间的关系不是平行的,而是包含关系。 在每个能量状态(如基态S0,激 …
How do you like the Homo Sapiens mode? : r/VintageStory - Reddit
For those who have played the Homo Sapiens mode, would you recommend it - what's good and not so good about it? I haven't tried it yet but as I'm not particularly interested in the story …
Just Finished Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harai and all I can say
2019年6月11日 · I read all 3 (Sapiens, Homo Deus and 21 lessons) And in my opinion Sapiens is by far the best. It is the only one that I would really recommend the other 2 feel forced, like he …