Hlai people - Wikipedia
The Hlai, also known as Li or Lizu, are a Kra–Dai-speaking ethnic group, one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by the People's Republic of China. The vast majority live off the southern coast of China on Hainan Island , [ 3 ] where they are the largest minority ethnic group.
home - HLAI
HLAI is a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit corporation formed in 1995 through the joining of its predecessor organizations, the Latin American Bar Association and the Mexican American Lawyers Association, which had previously served the Hispanic legal community in Illinois since 1970.
Hlai languages - Wikipedia
The Hlai languages (Chinese: 黎语; pinyin: Líyǔ) are a primary branch of the Kra–Dai language family spoken in the mountains of central and south-central Hainan in China by the Hlai people, not to be confused with the colloquial name for the Leizhou branch of Min Chinese (Chinese: 黎话; …
hlai officers and board of directors To promote high standards of competence, professionalism and integrity with and among Hispanic attorneys and the Hispanic communities within the State of Illinois.
Hlai - Wikipedia
Hlai may refer to: Hlai people, an ethnic group of China; Hlai languages, a group of Tai-Kadai languages
黎语 - 百度百科
黎语(黎文:Hlai),是 黎族 的民族语言,归入 侗台语族 黎语支 。黎语无古文字传世,非物质的精神文化遗产在海南民间主要以口头流传的方式保存至今。
黎语支 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
黎语支是侗台语系的一支。 分布在海南岛中部和西部。 由黎族使用,人数80万。 有黎语和加茂語两种语言,其中黎语又分为多个方言。 需要注意的是,黎语与闽语的黎话(属汉藏语系汉语族)并不相同。. 黎语支的语言普遍没有文字,直到1950年代黎语支哈方言才开始有基于拉丁字母的文字 …
免疫系统之 HLA 与MHC - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
这个系列讲免疫系统相关概念。 如果说 先天性免疫 属于物理防御,那 后天性免疫 就是魔法防御。. 后天性免疫(英语:adaptive immunity)也称为获得性免疫、适应性免疫、特异性免疫、专一性防御,是一种经由与特定病原体接触后,产生能识别并针对特定病原体启动的免疫反应。
人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen, HLA)是由HLA基因复合体所编码的产物,定位于第6染色体短臂上。HLA系人类组织相容性复合体(MHC)的表达产物,是构成移植排斥反应的重要抗原物质。HLA的研究最初是在器官移植研究推动下开展起来的,故此,HLA又称移植抗原。
Attorneys who wish to be added to a volunteer list, please email [email protected] Knowledge is power. No matter your immigration status, it’s crucial to know your constitutional rights—especially with the anticipated ICE raids.
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