Why does vim use hjkl for cursor keys? - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange
2016年8月24日 · Nobe4's answer is great, and explains why we use hjkl very well. However, it's really interesting to see the full keyboard, and a lot of strange things about vim make more sense when you can see the full keyboard it was designed on. For example, why does vi rely so heavily on the esc key, when it's in such a weird and uncomfortable place? This ...
Why did vi use hjkl instead of jikl? - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange
2023年6月16日 · Vi used hjkl because its creator's keyboard didn't have physical cursor keys. Instead, the arrows were printed on the hjkl keys. The arrow keys were printed on hjkl because the corresponding control codes all moved the cursor in directions roughly similar to the cursor keys: ^H for "backspace, ^J for "line feed", ^K for "upline", and ^L for ...
linux - VimTutor arrow keys v/s hjkl - Stack Overflow
2012年7月29日 · The thing is that you start out using the "hjkl" key just as a slightly better way to move your cursor, but the truth is that they are actually motions. h motions one character left; j motions one line down; k motions one line up; l motions one character right
Why arrow keys are not recommended in Vim - Super User
2015年8月18日 · In short, Vim uses the hjkl keys as the navigation interface is because it's a remnant of the old "ADM-3A" terminal, that had these keys marked with arrows. Since vim is derived from vi, it uses the same hjkl keys. New Habits
Is there any difference between hjkl and arrow keys?
2017年7月5日 · (The same is true in a couple of other places, for instance you can use left/right arrows to move around within a command or search/replace you are typing, but you cannot use hjkl for movement in those cases.) There is one other difference, I suppose - since they are separate keys, they can be mapped to separate things.
In Vim, why are the navigation keys HJKL and not JKL;?
2021年11月12日 · Vi used hjkl because its creator's keyboard didn't have physical cursor keys. Instead, the arrows were printed on the hjkl keys. The arrow keys were printed on hjkl because the corresponding control codes all moved the cursor in directions roughly similar to the cursor keys: ^H for "backspace, ^J for "line feed", ^K for "upline", and ^L for ...
Why are h,j,k,l recommended over using arrow keys for vim?
2014年11月3日 · hjkl are only marginally better than the arrows while Vim's more advanced motions, bBeEwWfFtT,;/?^$ and so on, offer a huge advantage over the arrows and hjkl. FWIW, I use the arrows for small movements, in normal and insert mode, and the advanced motions above for larger motions.
vim - Why "hjkl" is highly recommended? - Stack Overflow
2013年1月11日 · Possible Duplicate: VimTutor arrow keys v/s hjkl Why "hjkl" is highly recommended? I think it's more convenice using arrow key. Is there any advantages using "hjkl"?
Hand Placement for Vim Navigation - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange
2015年7月7日 · The "use hjkl keys, arrow keys are evil"-dogma is a strong one in the Vi/Vim community, but in many ways it's also a silly one. Aside from the fact that I'm not at all convinced it is actually faster in all scenarios, even if it would be, is …
neovim - How to learn to use hjkl in vim? - Stack Overflow
2023年4月6日 · However, I agree that you should prefer hjkl motion because these keys sit on the home row and you will gain speed. Note that this only works if you are reasonably good at touch typing. Let me say it again: the key is to improve your typing skills! You can remap the cursor keys to <Nop> so they will do nothing. You can also assign some other ...