- Overcrowding in the stands led to the deaths of 97 fans in a crush. Another 162 were hospitalized with injuries. It was the worst sports disaster in British history, according to the BBC.了解详细信息:Overcrowding in the stands led to the deaths of 97 fans in a crush. Another 162 were hospitalized with injuries. It was the worst sports disaster in British history, according to the BBC.www.cnn.com/2016/04/25/world/hillsborough-disas…Hillsborough disaster, incident in which a crush of football (soccer) fans ultimately resulted in 97 deaths and hundreds of injuries.www.britannica.com/event/Hillsborough-disaster
Hillsborough disaster | Details, Deaths, 1989, Facts, & Aftermath ...
Hillsborough's 97th victim was unlawfully killed, coroner concludes …
希尔斯堡惨案 - 百度百科
Hillsborough: Timeline of the 1989 stadium disaster - BBC News
The UK apologizes to families of 97 Liverpool soccer fans killed in …
希爾斯堡慘劇 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
希爾斯堡慘劇(英語: Hillsborough Disaster )指1989年4月15日在英格蘭 谢菲尔德的希爾斯堡球場發生的踩踏事故,造成97名利物浦球迷死亡。事件起因是由於大量球迷在短時間內同時由球場其中一個入口湧進場內兩個區域,區域內位置較 …
希尔斯堡惨案 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年10月28日 · 希尔斯堡惨案(英语: Hillsborough Disaster )指1989年4月15日在英格兰 谢菲尔德的希尔斯堡球场发生的踩踏事故,造成97名利物浦球迷死亡。事件起因是由于大量球迷在短时间内同时由球场其中一个入口涌进场内两 …
Liverpool FC — Hillsborough
Ninety-seven children, women and men lost their lives as a result of the disaster at the FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough stadium on April 15, 1989.
Hillsborough Stadium Disaster Fast Facts - CNN
2016年4月25日 · Read CNN's Fast Facts about the Hillsborough Disaster, a 1989 tragedy at a British soccer stadium. Overcrowding in the stands led to the deaths of 96 fans.
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