hERG - Wikipedia
hERG (the human Ether-à-go-go-Related Gene) is a gene that codes for a protein known as K v 11.1, the alpha subunit of a potassium ion channel. This ion channel (sometimes simply denoted as 'hERG') is best known for its contribution to the electrical activity of the heart : the hERG channel mediates the repolarizing I Kr current in the cardiac ...
hERG - 百度百科
该基因编码的钾离子通道(有时简单地使用'hERG'表示)最为著名的是其对心脏的电位活性,可协调心跳(即,hERG通道介导在心脏动作电位中 延迟整流钾电流--I Kr 的复极化)。
hERG K(+) channels: structure, function, and clinical significance
The human ether-a-go-go related gene (hERG) encodes the pore-forming subunit of the rapid component of the delayed rectifier K(+) channel, Kv11.1, which are expressed in the heart, various brain regions, smooth muscle cells, endocrine cells, and a wide range of tumor cell lines.
hERG钾通道相关的药物心脏安全性筛选 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
人类ether-a-go-go相关基因 (human ether-a-go-go-related gene, hERG)编码的快速激活延迟整流钾电流 (IKr) 是心肌细胞动作电位3期复极化的主要电流成分。 药物相关的hERG 钾通道抑制能够引起心室延迟复极(长QT间期…
hERG K+通道电流和药理学特性-Molecular Devices IonFlux
2014年4月17日 · HERG (human ether-a go-go-related gene) K+ 通道在心脏中高表达,是心肌动作电位三期快速复极化电流 (IKr)的主要组成部分 (Curran ‘95; Sanguinetti ‘95)。 hERG 突变引起的功能缺失常伴随一些遗传性长QT 综合症 (LQTS) 并且会增加发生严重的室性心律失常, 扭转性实行心动过速 (Tanaka ‘97; Moss ‘02)的风险。 HERG 钾离子通道被作用于心脏或非作用于心脏的药物抑制,都被证实有非常大的可能性出现获得性药物诱导的长QT 综合症 (LQTS),甚至导致猝 …
hERG K+通道电流和药理学特性-Molecular Devices IonFlux(一)
2020年6月16日 · HERG (human ether-a go-go-related gene) K+ 通道在心脏中高表达,是心肌动作电位三期快速复极化电流(IKr)的主要组成部分(Curran ‘95; Sanguinetti ‘95)。 hERG 突变引起的功能缺失常伴随一些遗传性长QT 综合症(LQTS) 并且会增加发生严重的室性心律失常, 扭转性实行 …
hERG K + Channels: Structure, Function, and Clinical Significance
The human ether-a-go-go related gene (hERG) encodes the pore-forming subunit of the rapid component of the delayed rectifier K + channel, Kv11.1, which are expressed in the heart, various brain regions, smooth muscle cells, endocrine cells, and a wide range of tumor cell lines. However, it is the role that Kv11.1 channels play in the heart that ...
The hERG K + channel: target and antitarget strategies in drug development
2008年3月1日 · The human ether-à-go-go related gene (hERG) K + channel is of great interest for both basic researchers and clinicians because its blockade by drugs can lead to QT prolongation, which is a risk factor for torsades de pointes, a potentially life-threatening arrhythmia. A growing list of agents with “QT liability” have been withdrawn from ...
药物拯救HERG钾通道蛋白转运异常的机制研究进展 - 中华医学杂志
长QT综合征 (long QT syndrome,LQTS)是一组因细胞膜上有功能的钾离子通道数量减少从而使IKr减弱致动作电位Ⅲ期复极异常而导致的临床综合征,而IKr减弱引起LQTS的原因有很多,主要包括两大类:一类是获得性LQT综合征 (acquired long QT syndrom,aLQTS),引起aLQTS的原因有:电解质紊乱、缺氧和不同的药物阻塞HERG钾通道等。
hERG K+通道电流和药理学特性(Molecular Devices) - 百度文库
简介 HERG (human ether-a go-go-related gene) K+ 通道在心脏中高表达,是心肌动作电位三期快速复极化电流 (IKr)的主 要组成部分 (Curran ‘95; Sanguinetti ‘95)。 hERG 突变引起的功能缺失常伴随一 些 遗 传 性 长 QT 综 合 症 (LQTS) 并 且会增加发生严重的室性心律失常, 扭转性实行心动过速 (Tanaka ‘97; Moss ‘02)的风险。 HERG 钾离子通道被作用于 心脏或非作用于心脏的药物抑制, 都被证实有非常大的可能性出现获得性药物诱导的长 QT 综 合 症 (LQTS), 甚至导 致猝死 …