Henschel Hs 298 - Wikipedia
The Henschel Hs 298 was a 1940s German rocket-powered air-to-air missile designed by Professor Herbert Wagner of Henschel. [1] The Hs 298 was designed specifically to attack Allied bomber aircraft and was the first missile designed specifically for air-to-air use. [1] .
77年前 德国空军首次试射“黑科技”挂载导弹的飞翼战机几成现实
2021年12月24日 · Hs.298V1是无线电制导的巡航导弹,旨在攻击美英重型轰炸机的密集编队。 弹体长2.06米,翼展1.24米,重120千克。 重达25千克的战斗部通过触发引信,或者由战机发出的无线电信号引爆,能够击伤30米半径内的飞机。 Hs.298配备两级固体火箭发动机,第一级工作时间为5秒,推动导弹飞行1600米,相对载机加速至940千米/小时。 然后第二级点火,工作15秒,提供680千米/小时的速度。 Hs.298最大的缺点是需要载机上专门有一名飞行员,始终监视导弹的 …
Hs293空舰导弹 - 百度百科
Hs-293H是在Hs-293A基础上改制的 空空导弹 ,用于攻击轰炸机编队,装备两部HWK-109-542或斯密丁(Schmidding)109-513火箭引擎,配备声学近炸引信和新型制导系统,总重980公斤,战斗部300公斤。该弹制.造了8枚原型。
Hs 298 Missile | National Air and Space Museum
Dr. Herbert Wagner's missile group at Henschel Aircraft in World War II Germany designed this small, experimental, air-to-air missile. A Schmidding solid rocket propelled the Hs 298 for about 25 seconds, and the pilot in the launch aircraft guided it using a joystick and transmitter.
Henschel Hs 298 | Military Wiki - Fandom
The Henschel Hs 298 was a 1940s German rocket-powered air-to-air missile designed by Professor Herbert Wagner of Henschel.[1] The Hs 298 was designed specifically to attack allied bomber aircraft and was the first missile designed specifically for air-to-air use.[1]
二战时德军到底有哪些黑科技? - 知乎
空对空导弹Henschel Hs-298(德国)
2013年11月19日 · 在1943,航空部下令亨舍尔公司开发和制造一种旨在摧毁敌方轰炸机的导弹。 据推测,新型火箭Hs-298将以特殊方式用于改装飞机。 由G. Wagner领导的工程师团队在制导制导武器方面已经有很多经验,但是制造适合飞机使用的弹药造成了一些困难。
TM 9-1985-2; Hs 298 - michaelhiske.de
The following detailed report is written around the Hs 298 V-2, as this model is considered the basic model of this series. AIRFRAME: Type and Description. The fuselage is a stressed aluminum skin structure. The wind and tail are cast magnesium with an aluminum covering.
Air-to-air missile Henschel Hs-298 (Germany)
2013年11月19日 · In 1943, the Ministry of Aviation ordered the Henschel company to develop and manufacture a guided missile designed to destroy enemy bombers. It was assumed that the new rocket Hs-298 will be used in a special way modified aircraft.
Hs 298 - 나무위키
2024年8月8日 · 1944년 12월 22일에 Ju 88G 폭격기 에 탑재되어 처녀 비행을 시행한 첫 번째 시제기. Hs 298 V2와 같이 처녀 비행에서 소모되었다. Hs 298 V1과 동일하게 탑재되어 발사되었으나 발사 직후 공중 분해된 두 번째 시제기. Hs 298 V1, V2와 같이 탑재되었으나 발사되지 않은 세 번째 시제기. 4. 둘러보기 [편집]