PNAS | 路超团队等揭示组蛋白H3K36M突变促癌机制中的关键因素 …
综合上述发现,研究认为 组蛋白H3K36M 突变造成的H3K36me2修饰水平降低导致了细胞分化相关基因的异常表达,是其促癌机制中的关键因素。 同时,还有一些重要的问题需要更多工作来解决:H3K36M突变对Setd2的抑制作用并不完全,基因组上仍有部分H3K36me3修饰,残留 ...
Nature专家点评丨路超团队等揭示H3K36甲基化修饰与DNA甲基化 …
本研究揭示DNMT3A优先选择H3K36二甲基化区域,促进基因间区的DNA甲基化,并且Sotos综合征病人的血样和NSD1突变肿瘤中都出现了基因间区DNA甲基化的选择性丢失。 这一工作对H3K36甲基化修饰和DNA甲基化修饰间的调控作用做出了新的拓展,并且这一机制在疾病发生过程中有着潜在的生物学意义。 原文链接:doi.org/10.1038/s41586- 制版人:珂.
H3K36 methylation regulates cell plasticity and regeneration in the ...
2025年1月8日 · We find that H3K36 methylation reinforces expression of cell-type-associated genes to maintain specialized cell identity in intestinal epithelial cells. Depleting H3K36 methylation disrupts lineage...
Disruption of H3K36 methylation provokes cellular plasticity to …
Ko et al. show that disrupting the epigenome via the expression of a mutant histone (H3K36M) promotes chromatin alterations that drive a striking increase in epithelial gland formation (salivary, sebaceous, and meibomian) while also predisposing cells to increased squamous cell carcinoma, revealing a role for epigenetics in epithelial gland ...
Immunohistochemistry for histone H3G34W and H3K36M is …
H3G34W and H3K36M IHC is highly specific for GCT and chondroblastoma, respectively, among giant cell-rich bone tumors, and is useful for confirming the diagnosis in limited biopsies. The presence of alternate H3F3A mutations accounts for the H3G34W IHC negativity in a subset of GCT of bone cases.
Histone H3K36 mutations promote sarcomagenesis through ... - Science
2016年5月13日 · Here we report that the H3 lysine 36–to–methionine (H3K36M) mutation impairs the differentiation of mesenchymal progenitor cells and generates undifferentiated sarcoma in vivo. H3K36M mutant nucleosomes inhibit the enzymatic activities of several H3K36 methyltransferases.
H3K36 methylation maintains cell identity by regulating opposing ...
2023年7月17日 · At a molecular level, H3K36M enables the decommissioning of mesenchymal enhancers and the parallel activation of epithelial/stem cell enhancers. This enhancer rewiring is Tet dependent and...
Methylation of histone H3 lysine 36 is a barrier for therapeutic ...
2024年2月13日 · Approximately 20% of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) exhibit reduced methylation on lysine 36 of histone H3 (H3K36me) due to mutations in histone methylase NSD1 or a lysine-to-methionine mutation in histone H3 (H3K36M). Whether such alterations of H3K36me can be exploited for therape …
肿瘤中的组蛋白 H3 突变 - Abcam中文官网
h3k36m 是软骨母细胞瘤中的潜在致癌驱动突变;还见于儿童软组织肉瘤和 hnscc。 它可以抑制 SETD2 与 NSD 家族的甲基转移酶,从而阻止组蛋白甲基化。 推荐 Ab ID: ab256384 。
Depletion of H3K36me2 recapitulates epigenomic and phenotypic ... - PubMed
2021年3月2日 · Hotspot histone H3 mutations have emerged as drivers of oncogenesis in cancers of multiple lineages. Specifically, H3 lysine 36 to methionine (H3K36M) mutations are recurrently identified in chondroblastomas, undifferentiated sarcomas, and …