Home - Green Tourism
Green Tourism consults and supports council, city, and destination stakeholders to embed sustainability in their strategy, and develop sustainable action plans for their partners and members. Discover our work and the services we can offer your destination.
Certifications - Green Tourism
Going for Green Tourism certification gives you a stress-free online framework to follow with clear actions tailored to the tourism and hospitality industry.
Members' area - Green Tourism
In your members-only Knowledge Hub, you’ll find a wealth of resources to help you raise your knowledge in sustainability topics relevant to your business and your Green Tourism assessment, empowering you to achieve your sustainability goals – and your award.
Environmental Policy - Green Tourism
About Green Tourism; Who we work with; Our Members; Contact; Members Login Members Login. Take the quiz Take the quiz. Environmental Policy. Environmental Policy. As the world’s leading sustainability standard, our mission is to help embed responsible, sustainable, and environmentally friendly practices to help businesses reduce their ...
10 ways to put people and communities at the heart of your ...
2024年12月17日 · Even city-based businesses can find great green opportunities locally such as community gardens and green education spaces. And, of course, clean-ups can have a positive community impact wherever they are.
Join us - Green Tourism
Fill in the Green Tourism application form with your business and contact details. Ideal for businesses aiming to enhance their green credentials. Find out more about how Green Tourism certification can benefit your business here
Green Tourism has been at the forefront of championing sustainable tourism for more than 25 years. As a world leading sustainability standard for travel, tourism, and hospitality businesses we work to help embed responsible, sustainable, and environmentally friendly practices across businesses and the wider tourism sector.
How do you reduce transport carbon emissions that are largely …
2024年11月21日 · There is a myriad of ways you can help customers reduce the impact of their travel and many of these will count as credits for your Green Tourism Award. Tell visitors how to get to you, sustainably; Create a sustainable transport page on your website; Provide details of all public transport options; Publicise active travel information
Our Green Story: Casa de Olivos - Green Tourism
2024年11月15日 · Our Green Tourism journey redoubled our commitment to making Casa de Olivos a beacon of sustainable tourist accommodation in Castellon province, encouraging our guests to immerse themselves in the local history, fiestas, and natural heritage.
Wray Valley Wins Gold at Devon Tourism Awards - Green Tourism
2024年12月17日 · Wray Valley, a small B&B and campsite nestled in 10 acres of temperate broadleaved woodland on Dartmoor, is thrilled to announce its success at the prestigious Devon Tourism Awards.