Banu Ghifar - Wikipedia
The Banu Ghifar (Arabic: بنو غفار, romanized: Banū Ghifār) was an Arab tribe that belonged to the Banu Damra ibn Bakr, a branch of the large Kinana tribe in the Hejaz region of Arabia. [1] [2] They were sometimes derided as brigands and robbers by other Arabs in the region. [3]
阿布·達爾·吉法里 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿布·達爾·吉法里·基納尼 (阿拉伯语: أَبُو ذَرّ ٱلْغِفَارِيّ ٱلْكِنَانِيّ , 羅馬化:ʾAbū Ḏarr al-Ghifārīy al-Kinānīy),原名 均达布·伊本·朱纳德 (阿拉伯语: جُنْدَب ٱبْن جُنَادَة ),是第四或第五个最早改信伊斯兰的人,也是 迁士 之一。 [1] 他出身 基纳纳 (英语:Kinana) 部落的 吉法尔氏族 (英语:Banu Ghifar)。 生年不詳。 他於公元652年在 麦地那 以东的拉巴達沙漠(Al-Rabadha)逝世。 阿布·达尔以其严格律己的虔誠,以及在 哈里发 奥斯曼·伊本·阿凡 的时代反 …
Abu Dharr al-Ghifari - Wikipedia
Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari Al-Kinani (أَبُو ذَرّ ٱلْغِفَارِيّ ٱلْكِنَانِيّ, ʾAbū Ḏarr al-Ghifārīy al-Kinānīy), also spelled Abu Tharr or Abu Zar, born Jundab ibn Junādah (جُنْدَب ٱبْن جُنَادَة), was the fourth or fifth person converting to Islam, and a member of the Muhajirun. [1] . He belonged to the Banu Ghifar, the Kinanah tribe.
Abu Dharr al-Ghifari | Abu Dharr al-Ghifari - Al-Islam.org
The tribe of Ghifar was one of the Arab Pagan tribes. It lived near al-Madina al-Munawwara (Yathrib), where the Makkan trading caravans passed. The members of the tribe of Ghifar worshipped an idol named Munat. They thought that Munat decided predestination and chance. They visited and sacrificed sheep for it.
Story of Abu Dhar Al-Ghifari - IslamicFinder
In the Waddan valley which connects Makkah with the outside world, lived the tribe of Ghifar (Banu Ghafir). The Ghifar existed on the meagre offerings of the trade caravans of the Quraish which plied between Syria and Makkah. It is likely that they also lived by raiding these caravans when they were not given enough to satisfy their needs.
Abu Dharr al-Ghifari - wikishia
Sufyān al-Ghifārī (Arabic: جُندَب بن جُنادة بن سفيان الغِفاري) (b. 33 BH /590-1 - d. 32 /653) known as Abū Dharr al-Ghifārī (أبوذر الغفاري) was one of the greatest companions of Prophet Muhammad (s) and Imam Ali (a); as well as one of the four pillars of the Shiite. He was a sincere companion of Prophet Muhammad (s) and Ahl al-Bayt (a).
Abu Dharr al-Ghifari - Al-Islam.org
Abū Dharr al-Ghifari al-Kinani (أبو ذر الغفاري الكناني), also Jundab ibn Junādah (جُنْدَب ابْنِ جُنَادَة), was the fourth or fifth person converting to Islam, and from the Muhajirun. He belonged to the Banu Ghifar, the Kinanah tribe. No date of birth is known.
Banu Ghifar Mosque - AtlasIslamica
The Banu Ghifar was an Arab tribe that belonged to the Banu Damra ibn Bakr, a branch of the large Banu Kinanah tribe in the Hejaz region of Arabia. They were sometimes derided as brigands and robbers by other Arabs in the region. The formerly-polytheistic tribe converted to Islam in the time of Hz. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, withHz.
Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari (RA) - Hadith of the Day
2012年11月26日 · Ghifar was a tribe with a notorious reputation for highway robbery. Its people were famous for theft and were known as allies of darkness and night. Woe to him who fell into their hinds on a dark night! Narrating the story himself, Abu Dharr said: The Prophet SAW lifted his eyes out of astonishment, due to Ghifar’s reputation.
Abu Dharr Al Ghifari (ra) was an ascetic that would always live as a stranger. He was the first to use the greeting of asalaamu 'alaikum and the most truthful of earth’s inhabitants.