Pennsylvania Railroad class GG1 - Wikipedia
The Pennsylvania Railroad Class GG1 is a class of streamlined electric locomotives built for the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR), in the northeastern United States. The class was known for its striking art deco shell, its ability to pull trains at up to 100 mph, and its long operating career of almost 50 years.
PRR "GG-1" Locomotives: Roster, Photos, Specs - American-Rails.com
The iconic GG-1 is the most well known electric locomotive in the world. The model was quick and reliable that it remained in service from 1935 through 1983.
拱心石上的明珠——宾夕法尼亚铁路GG1型电力机车“Big G”简说
GG1型电力机车是美国宾夕法尼亚铁路 (PRR)于1934-1945年制造的一种准高速电力机车。 其在铁路机车史上的开创性和先进性是不容小觑的。 然而贵站介绍GG1型电力机车的文章颇有错漏,有的地方甚至颇显荒谬;而且介绍的不完全、有遗漏,不单不好评论一一列举疏漏,原文亦未能展现GG1型机车的划时代意义。 故特此记下这篇短文,给GG1和宾夕法尼亚铁路正名。 进入了20世纪20年代,随着美国东北地区的兴旺和繁荣,为了应对PRR东部各分局,特别是本线 (费城-哈里 …
The Pennsylvania Railroad GG1 - Steam Locomotive
The GG1 was designed by the Pennsylvania Railroad based on the need for a locomotive that could pull more than 12 to 14 passenger cars. The railroad thought it had designed the perfect electric passenger locomotive, the P-5a, but as the P-5a locomotives arrived, it became necessary to double head them on many trains in order to protect schedules.
Pennsylvania Railroad #4890 - National Railroad Museum
The GG-1, America’s most famous electric locomotive, was first built in 1932. Its streamlined body has been featured on U.S. postage stamps, as a Lionel toy train, and in dozens of paintings over the years. Designed to move passengers, and eventually freight, along Pennsylvania’s electrified lines between Washington D.C.,
The GG1 Homepage - Spike Sys
This site is for the virtual preservation of the standard electric locomotive of the world, the Pennsylvania Railroad's GG1. What's so special about the GG1? Longevity. The first GG1 went into service in 1935 and the last was taken out of service in 1983. The GG1 outlasted the railroad that built it and its successor road.
【电力机车科普】美国宾夕法尼亚铁路的经典车型——GG1型电力 …
宾夕法尼亚铁路GG1型电力机车⑴是宾夕法尼亚铁路⑵从1930年代中期至1980年代初广泛使用的一型客货两用电力机车。 列车由通用电气公司和阿尔图纳机车厂⑶生产,从1935年至1943年共生产139台,运用于美国东北地区宾夕法尼亚铁路网。 该型机车亦被宾夕法尼亚中央铁路⑷、美国国铁⑸和新泽西公共运输公司⑹继承并继续使用至1983年方才全部退役。 GG1型机械设计可以追溯到1930年代初期,宾夕法尼亚铁路向 纽黑文 铁路租用数台“纽黑文EP3型”⑺电力机车。 宾州铁 …
Pennsylvania Railroad GG-1 Electric Locomotive
The GG1 was designed by the Pennsylvania Railroad to satisfy the need for a locomotive that could pull more than 12 to 14 passenger cars and do so at high speed. The GG1 was given a sculptured car body with contoured, tapered hoods to provide good visibility for the engine crew.
The PRR GG1 #4913 - TrainWeb
2017年3月6日 · Charisma, durability and versatility characterized the Pennsylvania Railroad's GG1 locomotive. The "G," as admirers called it, long served as a symbol of the PRR, and its unusual shape was the image generations of people associated with the railroad.
GG-1 - ToyTrains1
The Pennsylvania GG-1 is one of the most recognizable locomotives, at least here in the Northeast. In use through the 1960's, it was a familiar sight on the nearby Pennsy Northeast Corridor (running between New York and Washington).
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