X-ray absorption spectroscopy of trivalent Eu, Gd, Tb, and Dy …
2022年3月15日 · The XAS measurements of Eu, Gd, Tb, and Dy L 3 edges (as well as L 2 and L 1 edges) were carried out at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) beamline 20-BM using a Si (111) double crystal monochromator providing energy resolution of ∆E/E of 1.4·10 −4. The beam was focused to about 0.5 mm and harmonics were rejected using a Rh coated mirror set ...
使用同步辐射研究 Gd 化合物,Journal of Alloys and Compounds
已经使用元素敏感方法——X 射线吸收光谱 (XAS)、X 射线磁圆二色性 (XMCD) 和共振非弹性 X 射线散射 (RIXS) 研究了铁磁化合物 GdTiGe 的电子结构。此外,还使用 XMCD 研究了另一种铁磁体 GdTiSi。XMCD 在 Gd L2 和 L3 边缘显示出强烈的二向色信号,这可能与 Gd 5d 波段的极化有关。
X射线“吸收光谱“知识 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
xas图谱主要由两部分组成:1)吸收系数平滑下降区(虚线1-2之间);2)吸收系数突变区(虚线3处),也被称为之吸收边,吸收限。 平滑下降区 :由最上图中的吸收系数μ与X光光子能量E的关系式可知,随着入射光能量的增大,其吸收系数会发生降低,该段对应着原子 ...
Investigation of Gd compounds using synchrotron radiation
2005年9月29日 · Gd L 2-edge XAS and XMCD spectra of GdTiGe and GdTiSi. Download: Download full-size image; Fig. 6. Gd L 3-edge XAS and XMCD spectra of GdTiGe and GdTiSi. In RIXS, the sample is resonantly excited by a photon beam and the X-ray emission spectrum is measured. The electron is excited from a core level to unoccupied states above the Fermi level.
In-situ extended X-ray absorption fine structure study of ...
2015年1月29日 · XAS measurements of the Ce and Gd L III-edges were performed on the Gd-doped ceria electrostriction samples in fluorescence mode with a focused X-ray beam, spot size ∼ 1 mm 2. 13 An electric field of ∼60 kV/cm was periodically turned on for 45 s and off for an additional 45 s. These on and off cycles were repeated 10 times. During each half-cycle (on or off), 16–20 full XAS spectra were ...
2011年11月15日 · The U-parameters for Gd are chosen as in GdN.18 Be-cause Gd has a half-filled 4f shell, only Uf −Jf enters the Hamiltonian, where Uf is the screened on-site Coulomb interaction and Jf the exchange interaction. The param-eter Uf −Jf is chosen such that the Gd-4fstate splitting between occupied and empty states is in agreement with
XAS(同步辐射精细吸收谱)在表征活性位点中的应用 - 知乎
XAS(synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy)以X射线光子能量作为变量,测定材料的X射线吸收系数。 每个吸收边与材料中存在的特定原子有关,更具体地说,与将特定原子核轨道电子激发到自由或未占据的连续谱水平(轨道的电离)的量子力学转变有关。
mp-155: Gd (hexagonal, P6_3/mmc, 194) - Materials Project
Gd is Magnesium structured and crystallizes in the hexagonal P6_3/mmc space group. The structure is three-dimensional. Gd is bonded to twelve equivalent Gd atoms to form a mixture of face, edge, and corner-sharing GdGd12 cuboctahedra. There are six shorter (3.56 Å) and six longer (3.61 Å) Gd–Gd bond lengths. ... XAS Spectra Download FEFF ...
使用X射线吸收,圆圆二色性和硬X射线光发射光谱法研究GdNi的 …
Gd的原子多重峰计算中号4,5-edge XAS表示GdNi中的Gd是三价的,与局部 4F状态。另一方面,Ni的模型聚类计算大号2,3边的XAS显示Ni在GdNi中有效地是二价的,并且与最近邻的Gd态强烈杂交,从而导致 d-电子计数为8.57。d中号4,5边缘XMCD频谱与 小号=7/2 和 大号=0。
Temperature and pH Dependence XAFS Study of Gd (DOTA)
We present an X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of the local structures of Gd(DTPA)2- and Gd(DOTA)- complexes in the crystalline state (at room and low temperatures) and in aqueous solutions exhibiting various pH values (0.15−7) at different temperatures (25−90 °C). Using X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analysis procedures and ab initio multiple scattering calculations of …
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