FV432 - Wikipedia
The FV432 is the armoured personnel carrier variant in the British Army's FV430 series of armoured fighting vehicles. Since its introduction in the 1960s, it has been the most common variant, being used for transporting infantry on the battlefield. At its peak in the 1980s, almost 2,500 vehicles were in use.
FV432装甲输送车 - 百度百科
英国FV432履带式装甲人员输送车 是由FV420系列装甲车发展而成,于1958年开始研制,1961年完成样车,1963年完成第一批生产车型。 到1971年,英国共生产3000辆,现已取代英军莱茵集团中的撒拉逊(6×6)轮式装甲车。 该车是参照美国M113车设计的,车体和 M113 一样,系箱体结构。 同M113的区别为驾驶员位于车前右侧;履带上部有托带轮;车后采用1扇大型右开门;车体材料采用了防弹钢板 [1]。 该车车体由钢板焊接,可离轻武器和弹片。 驾驶员位于车前右侧,并 …
FV432 - Army Guide
The current FV432 is powered by an old Rolls-Royce K60 2-stroke 6-cylinder multifuel engine developing 240 hp coupled to a TX-200-4A semi-automatic transmission. In early 2002, the now BAE Systems Land Systems, the design authority for the FV432, completed a FV432 Systems Demonstrator which was first shown in July 2002.
FV430 series - Wikipedia
The FV430 series covers a number of armoured fighting vehicles of the British Army, all built on the same chassis. The most common is the FV432 armoured personnel carrier.
Fv432 armoured personal carrier (1963) - tank-afv.com
The FV432 was a boxy, low profile vehicle with all-steel construction, welded. It has the engine at the front, driver to the right, commander behind, single side-hinged door for loading and unloading, no firing ports and a capacity of five seats on either side, foldable to free the flatbed for 3,670 kg of cargo.
FV432 - Royal Tank Regiment
The FV432 is the armoured personnel carrier variant of the British Army’s FV 430 series of armoured fighting vehicles. Since its introduction in the 1960s, it has been the most common variant, being used for transporting infantry on the battlefield.
FV432装甲人员运输车|FV432装甲人员运输车介绍|FV432装甲人员 …
fv432装甲人员运输车. 为满足英国陆军需求,英国于20世纪50年代研发了fv432系列车型,首辆样车于1961年完成。到1972年为止,该车共计生产了3000多辆。目前,fv432已经被“武士”机械化战车所取代。
冷战时期英国陆军序列 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
注3:英国机械化步兵营(“武士”或 fv432 )使用fv432或“斯巴达”的衍生型号,8辆迫击炮车,14辆“米兰”发射车,4辆急救车。 注4:(U)的意思是这个单位在当年去北爱尔兰“维稳”过一次(通常是6个月)。
武士步兵战车的发展历程 - 哔哩哔哩
FV432 Armored Personnel Carrier - inetres.com
2006年5月25日 · The FV432 is used by the Royal Engineers to tow the Bar minelayer which can lay mines at a rate of 600 per hour. A THORN EMI ranger anti-personnel minelaying system can be mounted on the top of the FV432 to enable a combined anti-tank and anti …