Mitsubishi FTO - Wikipedia
The Mitsubishi FTO is a front mid-engined, front-wheel drive coupe produced by Mitsubishi Motors between 1994 and 2000.
集合高科技于一身,却输给了时代-三菱FTO - 懂车帝
2022年12月9日 · 1994年诞生的FTO(Fresh Touring Origination),拥有4320×1735×1300mm的车身尺寸以及2500mm轴距,外观造型为纯正的双门四座Coupe,车头颇有GTO的影子,但车尾部分的设计略显薄弱;当然也被视为日规版的Eclipse。
Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car - Gran Turismo Wiki
The Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car is a fictional race car produced by Mitsubishi. It first appeared in Gran Turismo 4, replacing the Mitsubishi FTO LM Race Car that only appeared in Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec, and returned in Gran Turismo PSP, Gran Turismo 5, and Gran Turismo 6.
Futo | GTA Wiki | Fandom
The Karin Futo (Japanese: フト) is a compact tuner appearing in Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto V, and Grand Theft Auto Online, and due to appear in Grand Theft Auto VI.
消失的90年代经典车型–Mitsubishi FTO - 易车
2020年8月9日 · 这就是1971-1975年推出的Galant Coupe FTO,其实Galant GTO的兄弟车型,而也是其开创了FTO的先河。 FTO 对于国人来说是陌生的,毕竟在90年代,我国经济发展也只是刚刚起步,而大部分被引进或者通过不同途径进入国内的车型都是一些相对实用的车型,例如 雅阁 、 皇冠 等,而到了我国经济开始蓬勃发展,时间也开始进入到2000年,这个时期国内 汽车 市场也开始发展了,可是当时的环境同样没有FTO生存的空间,而真正到了 汽车 普及,人们开始懂 …
Mitsubishi FTO
2004年7月31日 · In any GT game, the FTO is one of the best cars a beginner can pilot, period. The GR in particular starts one off with a nice low price in the two earliest games--and though its power is a bit wimpy, the way it tears into courses is so good, the GR is extremely easy to drive whether one is using analog controls or the D-pad.
Mitsubishi FTO - Gran Turismo Wiki
The Mitsubishi FTO is a sport compact coupe produced by Mitsubishi between 1994 and 2000. Although it was originally an exclusive JDM vehicle, it became popular in the grey market in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand, all of which are right-hand drive countries.
Mitsubishi FTO LM Edition - Gran Turismo Wiki
The Mitsubishi FTO LM Edition is a race car produced by Mitsubishi. It only appears in the first two games of the Gran Turismo series, being replaced with the LM Race Car in Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec, which was in turn replaced by the Super Touring Car in Gran Turismo 4 and onwards.
FTO三菱FTO跑车 - 百度知道
2024年7月2日 · 在电影《霹雳火》中,与NISSAN Skyline R32 GT-R有过精彩对决的双门跑车FTO,是MITSUBISHI为日本市场打造的一款经典车型,它继承了1971年Galant Coupe FTO的精神。然而,90年代SUV的流行以及日本经济泡沫和安全标准的调整,导致FTO在2000年全面停产。
FTO是什么? - 知乎专栏
fto是什么? FTO(free to operate)是个外来词,指的是技术实施人在不侵犯他人专利权的情况下自由实施,有时也称right to use。 FTO分析在美国、中国、德国等国应用比较普遍。
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