Fraser River Approach - SailNet Community
2010年1月8日 · Fraser River Thanks so much for the fast response. I was out yesterday riding my bike around Stevenson and as I looked out towards the river entrance, the buoys marking a channel extended as far as I could see. Your description fits. Looks like one really must head way out before finding the approach. I do have a GPS onboard.
Fraser River moorage - SailNet Community
2020年2月19日 · I don't have any first hand experience with taking a boat up the fraser river, but just looking at the charts, Ladner Harbour and Ladner Yacht Club look very shallow. Certainly I wouldn't take my boat in there anywhere near low tide. You would be travelling quite a few miles before you get anywhere where you have enough sea room to sail ...
Fraser Built Sailboats - SailNet Community
2008年2月5日 · Fraser 41 CC I purchased a Fraser 41, 1977 vintage in Vancouver BC a year ago - sailed across to Vancouver Island in 25 knots N.W. and my wife on helm actually loved the boat. All old electronics have now been replaced.
Yanmar 2QM15 raw water pump problem | SailNet Community
2008年7月22日 · Next day flat calm motor all the way to Gulf Island all day no problem. Sailing and motoring for several days in Gulf Island no problem. On the way back to home port (up in Fraser river in Landner BC) motor to Pollier Pass ( inside was flat calm, 16 kt NW wind out side in Georgia strait) 70 minute after slack water, flood water was about 4knot.
David's New Boat: CS 36 Merlin | SailNet Community
2010年6月26日 · The Fraser River Delta is quite an obstacle... David 2008 J/122 "Anam Cara" Save Share ...
Bayfield 25, how seaworthy? | SailNet Community
2008年1月3日 · Of course, if the currents are tidal (ie reversing during the day) your timing can make a world of difference. However I don't know the tidal influence on the St Lawrence. Certainly the state of the tide affects BC's Fraser river, but it truly only reverses in light runoff conditions.. during spring melts and heavy rains it simply slows down some.
quick question with regard to anchoring near port of...
2012年3月26日 · hello: thank you for the reply's. under what grounds would they be 'making you register' to anchor? also; yes sir. i do trust my anchoring skills. im norwegian. been on boat's since i was born. sailed in the bering sea ak, sea of okhosk, russia. norway. inside passage. gulf islands, san juan islands. puget sound, south sound, through the locks many times (that being said there are only like 2 ...
Fraser 30 - SailNet Community
2015年6月18日 · Fraser 30 Jump to Latest 3.1K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by SloopJonB Jun 19, 2015
Fraser 36 & Rafiki 35 - SailNet Community
2016年3月28日 · A few years later they built the trunk cabin deck and called the combo the Fraser 36. The flush deck 35 is a much better looking boat IMO but the 36 has a considerably more voluminous interior. The glass work is first rate "basic lamination".
autohelm 4000 parts - SailNet Community
2009年8月9日 · SailNet is a forum community dedicated to Sailing enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about sailing, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, repairs, reviews, maintenance, and more!