new to the 4.6L what exactly is PI? | Ford Mustang Forum
2008年2月13日 · straight from the ford site. 4.6L POWER IMPROVEMENT (PI) CYLINDER HEADS M-6049-P46** RH 2V M-6050-P46** LH 2V Current production 4.6L SOHC 2V Romeo engine aluminum cylinder heads Fully machined and assembled with production Mustang GT valvetrain and camshaft Great for custom engine builds Less expensive than replacing valvetrain
4.6L 4valve vs 3valve question - Ford Mustang Forum
2017年8月5日 · Hello,, I highly respect the design and execution that FMC put into the 4.6L and I am investigating to see if the performance potential of the 4.6L cylinder head can be transposed on to a different species cylinder block. bore spacing is close , but not identical, bore size is a bit smaller on the other block. I have found the following
Ford Mustang 4.6L reliability
2013年8月10日 · The only real problems with the 4.6L motors was/is the cracking of the plastic intake manifolds, & Ford`s less than brilliant idea of only putting 4 threads in the heads to hold the spark plugs in place. I would not even think of changing plugs without a torque wrench set to …
How much HP can a stock 4.6 take? - Ford Mustang Forum
2003年4月29日 · 4.6L Mustang Forums (1996-2004) 4.6L Tech Status Not open for further replies. ... 1996 Ford Mustang Cobra ...
4.6L Motor Interchange Options - Ford Mustang Forum
2015年10月3日 · ^^^FWIIW, there isn't any difference between the long block of the Interceptor police SOHC motor and the 4.6 in the rest of Ford 4.6 fleet. The days of Ford putting a hotter motor into a Police car are long past. For a late model Police Interceptor the differences are on the out side. For example an external oil cooler. Larger radiator.
4.6L Tech - Ford Mustang Forum
2025年2月6日 · Lets talk 4.6 Mustang Tech! Discuss and debate All technical topics related to 1996-2004 4.6L Mustangs here.
Building a high performance 4.6 | Ford Mustang Forum
2006年7月15日 · 4.6L Mustang Forums (1996-2004) 4.6L Tech ... A forum community dedicated to Ford Mustang owners and ...
Missing 4.6l Coolant Sensor? (PICTURES) | Ford Mustang Forum
2017年7月25日 · I am also getting code P0118 for coolant temperature sensor. From what I have read, this motor (Romeo 4.6l) should have 1 coolant sensor on the intake manifold. Take a look at the pictures below, & let me know if this motor's intake manifold is missing the bung, or if perhaps it is in a different location? Any insight, or help would be appreciated.
4.6l Ported And Polished Plenums And Throttle Bodies
2006年3月4日 · For example, Ford used over 5 different plenums for the 4.6 Mustang GT from 1996 - 2004, each of these plenums are internally differennt in some areas, consequently, different port work is required to achieve the max. performance to the paticular plenum.
Romeo vs. Windsor - Ford Mustang Forum
2010年10月26日 · 4.6L Mustang Forums (1996-2004) 4.6L Tech Romeo vs. Windsor. Jump to Latest ... Rebuilding The Ford 4.6L ...