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GitHub - ShurenQi/FJFM: Matlab code for the paper "Robust and ...
FJFM: Fractional-order Jacobi-Fourier Moments. The proposed FJFM is characterized by the generic nature and time-frequency analysis capability. The generic nature means that the FJFM is a generic version of existing Jacobi polynomial-based classical and fractional-order Disc-based Continuous Orthogonal Moments.
【论文翻译】Robust and discriminative image ... - 知乎专栏
我们首先定义了一组新的正交矩,称为分数阶雅可比-傅立叶 矩 (FJFM ),它具有一般的性质和时频分析(time-frequency analysis)能力。 然后,通过充分利用FJFM的时频特性,我们开发了一个新的 框架,称为混合低阶矩特征 (MLMF,Mixed Low-order Moment Fea- ture ),以提高图像表示的鲁棒性和可分辨性。 大量的实验结果和实际应用证明了基于FJFM的MLMF在鲁棒性和可分辨性方面的优越性能。 人类通常可以有效地识别数字图像中的模式,即使它们经历了几何变换或信号 …
Robust and discriminative image representation: fractional-order …
2021年7月1日 · We define a new set of generic orthogonal moments, called Fractional-order Jacobi-Fourier Moments (FJFM), which is a generic version of many existing classical and fractional-order moments. We develop a novel framework to improve both the robustness and discrimination power of image global representation, named Mixed Low-order Moments Feature ...
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FJFM SOLUTIONS offers comprehensive land, sea, and air transportation solutions to customers worldwide. Our services are designed to cater to the unique needs of our clients, as well as external companies requiring transportation solutions.
FJFM/README.md at master · ShurenQi/FJFM - GitHub
FJFM: Fractional-order Jacobi-Fourier Moments. The proposed FJFM is characterized by the generic nature and time-frequency analysis capability. The generic nature means that the FJFM is a generic version of existing Jacobi polynomial-based classical and fractional-order Disc-based Continuous Orthogonal Moments.
F.J.F.M Hospital
F.J.F.M Hospital
FJFM/FJFM/main.m at master · ShurenQi/FJFM - GitHub
Matlab code for the paper "Robust and discriminative image representation: Fractional-order Jacobi-Fourier Moments" - FJFM/FJFM/main.m at master · ShurenQi/FJFM
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Nos especializamos en el transporte de contenedores y camiones completos a través de toda Europa, América y África. Nuestra red de transporte es amplia y eficiente, lo que nos permite garantizar tiempos de entrega precisos y precios altamente competitivos.
Futurist-Job Fit Measure - Zenodo
2024年11月4日 · The Futurist-Job Fit Measure (FJFM) is a comprehensive self-assessment tool designed to evaluate the qualifications and suitability of futurists for various roles. By categorizing futurists into six distinct types, the measure provides valuable insights into areas for professional development and alignment with desired roles.