FGF10 - Wikipedia
FGF10 knockout mice die right after birth. The mice showed no developing organs such as lungs, salivary glands, kidney or definitive limbs once autopsied. Studies of the mouse homolog …
FGF10 Gene - GeneCards | FGF10 Protein | FGF10 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · FGF10 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 10) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with FGF10 include Aplasia Of Lacrimal And Salivary Glands and …
FGF10 gene - MedlinePlus
The FGF10 gene provides instructions for making a protein called fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10). This protein is part of a family of proteins called fibroblast growth factors that are …
FGF10: A multifunctional mesenchymal–epithelial signaling growth factor ...
2016年4月1日 · FGF10 is a member of the FGF7/10/22 subfamily, which also includes FGF7 and FGF22. FGF7, FGF10, and FGF22 were probably generated from a common ancestral gene …
Fgf10: a paracrine-signaling molecule in development, disease, …
Fgf10 and Fgfr2b are expressed in mesenchymal and epi … The Fgf family comprises 22 members with diverse functions in development, repair, metabolism, and neuronal activities. …
FGF10 fibroblast growth factor 10 [ (human)] - National Center for ...
Paracrine FGF10 signaling stimulates the differentiation of human stem cell into urothelial cells. High FGF10 expression is associated with ameloblastoma. Three FGF10 single nucleotide …
Fibroblast Growth Factor 10 and Vertebrate Limb Development
2019年1月7日 · Fgf10 Signaling Controls Limb Development. It has been previously described through tissue graft experiments that secreted factors from the limb mesenchyme are capable …
Fibroblast growth factor 10 - PubMed
Fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10) is a major morphoregulatory factor that plays essential signaling roles during vertebrate multiorgan development and homeostasis. FGF10 is …
Fgf10 Signaling in Lung Development, Homeostasis, Disease, and Repair ...
2018年9月25日 · Fgf10 protects and promotes lung epithelial regeneration after different types of lung injuries. An Fgf10-Hippo epithelial-mesenchymal crosstalk ensures maintenance of …
Regulation of FGF10 Signaling in Development and Disease
2018年10月22日 · Fibroblast Growth Factor 10 is a paracrine signaling growth factor of 215 amino acids with a typical signal sequence for secretion and plays an essential role during …