Fg + tv + tabletop + scaling maps? - Fantasy Grounds
The biggest thing you will notice is that using a TV for mini's means you end up with relatively small battlemaps. So, a 37" TV yields a battle map of only 18x32 squares and a 60" TV gives a 29x52. Another way to look at this is to reverse calculate the TV size for a typical resolution, 50px/square, map. 50px/sq is the same as 50px/in.
How to use FG with a TV for face-to-face gaming - Fantasy Grounds
Welcome to the FG forums. Lots of people do this, including me. You need to start another instance of FG on the same computer as the GM instance and "Join Game" with a server address of localhost Then drag the player instance to your second monitor (TV).
Map resize to TV resolution - for Face-To-Face games - Fantasy …
2016年8月31日 · Use: /tvsize <TV size in inches> <TV resolution in pixels (height/Y dimension)> An example is: /tvsize 43 1080 for a 43 inch (diagonal measurement) TV with 1080p resolution (full HD). If you're using a 4K (UHD) TV use the vertical resolution of 2160. You only need to do this once as it is stored in the campaign database.
Fg + tv + tabletop + scaling maps? - Page 2 - fantasygrounds.com
2016年8月30日 · Just for map stuff. The Players are still using real 3D minis. Is there an extension or something where you can send an instance of fantasy grounds to the TV, open a map in a new internal window and make it have the exact zoom so that the grid in digital representation meassures exactly 1 inch by 1 inch in real life??
Fantasy Grounds Unity
Fantasy Grounds is a popular platform for playing a host of different roleplaying games online. It is used by more than gamers worldwide to connect and play popular games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Vampire: The Masquerade, …
Plexiglass for TV gaming tabletop - Fantasy Grounds
2021年5月20日 · We built a box for it, with plexiglass as the screen cover. Our intention was to use it on the table top with miniatures. The box is about 5" tall, just high enough to let the TV breathe. At 5 inches above the table the parallax effects were a real bother. We ended up turning the TV upright, set it on a TV tray and used tokens.
What is your setup for in person TV embedded gameplay?
I don't have a TV built into my table, but I have run FG on a TV as a player display (on the wall). If the display TV is attached to your GM computer as a second display, then start a second instance of FG on your DM computer, connect with a name like 'Table' and use an IP address of 'localhost' Drag that instance to your TV.
FG TV Commercial? - fantasygrounds.com
2012年3月28日 · Am I the last person on here to have seen a Fantasy Grounds commercial on TV? Looked like about a 15 second spot during a week old rerun of "Attack OF The Show" on G4 tonight (via Dish Network).
Can I roll my own dice?? - Fantasy Grounds
Player handouts, maps, and campaign management will all work out of the box. I would recommend running two instances of FG on the same computer and connect the player display to your second monitor/TV. I find FG to be a great asset to my usual GM prep, since I can prepare all my NPCs, encounters, etc. in advance.
Fantasy Grounds
The Fantasy Grounds Forge (the FG Forge or FGF) is a community developer portal where creators can share content for free or sell it. Forge users can then purchase or subscribe to content and use the creations in their games!