Espeto (food) - Wikipedia
The Espeto is a typical dish from Málaga and the Granada Coast in Southern Spain, and consists of skewering fish, traditionally sardines, on thin and long rods, to roast it over firewood on the beach sand.
Espetos Recipe – Andalucia’s Tasty Grilled Sardines
2022年12月20日 · Espeto comes from the verb “espetar” which consists of nailing the fish to a rod to grill it. That cane is traditionally stuck in the sand, and in a boat on the beach bars. The espeto began to be made at the time of the moragas, which are still celebrated in Malaga.
Espetos | Traditional Saltwater Fish Dish From Province of Málaga ...
Espetos is a Spanish tradition of grilling sardines, dating back to the late 19th century, when fishermen skewered and grilled surplus fish in small boats on the sand. The modern method usually involves placing 6 sardines on a skewer, seasoning them with sea salt, then grilling them over the open flames of an olive wood fire.
Espeto - a traditional taste of Malaga - TOMA & COE
2024年6月4日 · Discover the traditional dish of Malaga, the espeto. Sardines skewered on a cane and cooked over an open fire. Delicious! Visit Malaga with Toma & Coe
Espetos the best way to eat sardines, Malaga sardines Skewers
2024年7月16日 · Special technique: The espeto involves skewering sardines on bamboo canes and grilling them over coals on the beach. Freshness and flavour: Sardines are cooked with their skin intact, providing a unique, juicy flavour that highlights their freshness.
Celebrating Espeto - Google Doodle
2023年6月12日 · A salty, smoky aroma in southern Spain can only mean one thing: It’s espeto season. Today’s Doodle (hand-crafted with clay!) celebrates the flavor of the summer, a popular Spanish dish of skewered sardines that are traditionally roasted over firewood on the beach.
Día del espeto: todo sobre la comida más famosa de Málaga
2024年6月12日 · Los espetos son un icono de la provincia de Málaga y alrededores, que también podemos ver por otras costas andaluzas. Es una de las comidas veraniegas que más gustan a locales y a turistas y fue en...
Espeto a Pilha Giratório com Garra Longa e Garra Curta - Espetosul. R$ 229,00 6x de R$ 38,17 sem juros. R$ 209,54 no boleto bancário
espeto | Definición | Diccionario de la lengua española | RAE - ASALE
1. m. Hierro largo y delgado; p. ej., un asador o un estoque. 2. m. And. Conjunto de sardinas que se atraviesan con un espeto o una caña para asarlas.
Top 10 Melhores Espetos para Churrasco em 2024 (Tramontina, …
2023年7月21日 · O espeto para churrasco, que normalmente é de alumínio ou aço inox, permite assar carnes, legumes, petiscos e servir diretamente à mesa, sem precisar de um prato para retirar os alimentos individualmente. Também oferece praticidade durante o preparo, pois pode ser retirado da churrasqueira e posicionado em várias direções.