ESO Build Editor [NEW] - Elder Scrolls Online
2022年5月6日 · We already added community feedback (thanks) to the ESO Build Editor and will continue to improve it. A few examples: 1.
What Order Should I Do ESO's Story Arcs? - A Guide
2018年5月21日 · I hope you have fun questing through ESO's story arcs! Additional Guide for "What Order Should I Play ESO? This is far from an exhaustive list of useful guides, but here's a great guide to ESO's content that I think is fantastic and provides a very useful alternative to the storyarc-centric approach that I took here in my guide.
ESO Fansite List/Directory - Guides, Addons, Articles, Etc.
Also a section for people's customized outfits ESO Gold Master - Gold-making guides (not sure if updated) ESO Leaderboards - Leaderboards for pledges, trials, etc ESO Status & Info by @P3ZZL3 - Live server status, ZOS news feeds, site list and more ESO Universe - Guides, general info Esohead - Database ESOUI - Major place to get addons, many of ...
Collectible Achievement Guide (Spoiler Alert) - Elder Scrolls Online
quarnyrwb17_ESO Crackling Lodestone Dropped from Strom Atronach near Willowgrove in Reaper's March (the quest there takes you right to the area with all 3 atronach types). Whirring Dynamo Dropped from Dwarven Spider in Bthanual, Deshaan (they have a pretty fast respawn rate plus lots of 3 groups in the one room).
ESO Wiki - Elder Scrolls Online
An awesome community-driven TESO wiki @ Orcz: The Elder Scrolls Online Wiki Extremely detailed, everything there written by adventurers just like you If you have any info to add like details about NPCs, locations, quests, etc, feel free to contribute so that we can build a great source of knowledge about the game Cheers
ESO’s February 2025 Survival Guide — Elder Scrolls Online
2025年1月31日 · This is the official discussion thread for, "ESO’s February 2025 Survival Guide" "Love and war come to Tamriel this February, bringing a host of exciting events, rewards, and more—check out our roadmap here!"
Legendary jewellery? - Elder Scrolls Online
2016年2月3日 · I searched in google info about that, eso wiki says that this jewellery items drops with epic quality. Is there some way to upgrade your epic necklace and rings up to legendary quality? There was a way to get legendary jewelry from maelstrom, I believe it was from the weekly rewards.. but they removed those and gaurenteed a weapon instead.
English — Elder Scrolls Online
This is the new home of discussing core systems in ESO. Discuss all things from crafting, housing, to game systems like Tales of Tribute!
Deutsch — Elder Scrolls Online
Diskutiert mit anderen Community-Mitgliedern über ESO-Lore. Ruhmesgeschichten Diskutiert die neuesten Strategien, findet Gegenspieler und erzählt spannungsgeladene Geschichten, wie ihr Tamriels offizielles Kartenspiel Ruhmesgeschichten spielt.
Searing Gem and Crimson Diamond — Elder Scrolls Online
2021年11月15日 · I will wait till this is confirmed in some eso wiki. Last thing I would like to happen is to buy a DLC dungeon & then it would turn out that I got trolled... But for now lets assume that Crimson Diamond really drops in that dungeon: 1. You need one DLC to have access to scrying. 2. You need another DLC for 2 leads. 3.