Wajah kedinginan Emoji - Emojigraph
Wajah dingin emoji. Apakah anda tahu bagaimana anda akan terlihat seperti jika anda terjebak di suatu tempat di mana itu terlalu Dingin? Baik wajah anda akan menjadi persis seperti emoji …
Cold Face Emoji - Emojipedia
Emojis To Tackle The NFL & Super Bowl LIX 🏈. This Sunday is the 59th annual Super Bowl, the biggest night of the American football calendar. This year's championship game is once again …
Cold Face Emoji - EmojiTerra
The cold face emoji 🥶 features a blue face with gritted teeth and either icicles or snowflakes, symbolizing extreme cold or frostbite. Commonly used to express feelings of being very cold, it …
Cold Face Emoji | Emojiguide
cold face 🥶. This emoji shows an icy-blue face with gritted teeth and icicles or snowflakes frozen onto its face. from extreme cold. 🥶 Cold Face is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 11.0 …
Wajah Kedinginan Emoji — Arti dan Penggunaan - Emojis Wiki
2023年12月6日 · Emoji ini digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa Anda merasa dingin atau suhu di tempat Anda terlalu rendah Di luar dingin sekali dan saya harus memakai pakaian hangat 🥶
Cold Face Emoji - Emojipedia
An icy-blue face with gritted teeth usually depicted with icicles clinging to its cheeks or jaw, as if frozen from extreme cold. May also represent unfriendliness (slang, cold) or excellence (slang, …
Cold Face emoji Meaning - Dictionary.com
2020年12月21日 · What does 🥶 Cold Face emoji mean?. The Cold Face emoji 🥶 depicts a grimacing smiley blue in the face and covered with icicles or snow from being cold. It is used in reference …
Cold Face Emoji - AltCodeUnicode.com
Meaning & Description. The 🥶 Cold Face Emoji, represented by the Unicode character U+1F976, is an expressive emoji used in digital communication to convey a sense of extreme cold, …
Wajah Kedinginan Emoji - Emojiguide
Emoji ini menunjukkan wajah dingin-biru dengan gigi terkatup dan es atau kepingan salju beku ke wajahnya. Dari dingin yang ekstrim.
Cold Face Emoji - Emojigraph
Emoji 🥶 Cold Face meanings. Copy and paste 🥶 Cold Face Emoji for Iphone, Android and get HTML codes.