K3S Transceiver - Elecraft
2024年6月1日 · Elecraft’s state-of-the-art K3S transceiver offers a unique combination of ultra-high performance and affordability. The factory-assembled K3S is comparable in both features and performance to transceivers listing at up to six times its price.
Reviews For: Elecraft K3 - eHam.net
ELECRAFT K3 Transceiver High Performance • 160-6 Meters • 100 W Dual 32bit DSP, "switched mode mixer" Factory Assembled or No-Soldering Kit 160-6 meter ham-band coverage; optional general-coverage filters • High-contrast, full-custom LCD with with alphanumeric text display • 100-W or 10-W (upgradeable) models • 32-bit I.F. DSP
K3/K3S Options Update (9/15/23) - Elecraft
2023年9月15日 · Good news - We are now moving along smoothly on the majority of our K3 Option purchasing, assembly and testing. Here is the latest status as of 9/15/23. We have completed building and testing the main KPA3A PA modules and are now kitting the mounting hardware and packaging everything for shipping.
The K3 excels wherever the action is — demanding Field Day sites, remote DXpedition outposts, high-power contest operations — or the comfort of your own home station.
Elecraft - K3 / 10 - RigPix Database
Back to Elecraft Next HF and more Last modified 2023-02-28 ... Elecraft K3 / 10 SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL: Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver: Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m RX: 0.49-30 / 44-54 MHz (2 m option) Tuning steps: 1 / 10 / 20 / 50 Hz: Frequency stability: Standard: ±5 ppm @ 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Reviews For: Elecraft K3s - eHam.net
Elecraft’s state-of-the-art K3S transceiver offers a unique combination of ultra-high performance and affordability. Both 100-watt and 10-watt (upgradeable) models are available. No-soldering kit; also available fully assembled and tested, the K3S is comparable in both features and performance to transceivers listing at up to six times its price.
Elecraft K3, Desktop HF/VHF Transceiver | RigReference.com
With an Elecraft K144XV internal 2 meter module installed, your K3 will make another leap forward in versatility. The K144XV covers the full 144-148 MHz U.S. allocation, so you can do weak-signal CW/SSB work as well as access 2-m repeaters in your area.
Elecraft K3 Review - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2002年4月14日 · After reading a few very technical reviews of the Elecraft K3 touting the technical specs and merits of this very interesting rig, as well as talking extensively to a long time K3 user (and field tester for Elecraft), I decided to take a chance on a rig I had never actually touched.
View and Download ELECRAFT K3 installation and operation manual online. HIGH-PERFORMANCE 160 – 6 METER TRANSCEIVER. K3 transceiver pdf manual download.
Elecraft highlights the K3’s outstanding dynamic range, citing a third-order intermodulation distortion dynamic range of greater than 100 dB at 5 kHz spacing and in the low to mid-90s at 2 kHz spacing. That’s comparable with anything else in the field. Elecraft reports it’s also measured best-of-breed blocking dynamic range of