Thermostat keeps resetting - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2017年1月23日 · My problem is my thermostat that keeps resetting. The thermostat is a Ecobee Smart Si, and at the beginning I thought the resets were random. Not I found out the resets MOSTLY occur when there is a heat call. I contacted Ecobee and they said: " The thermostat receives 24VAC from the furnace transformer.
Ecobee Installation problems - pls help! - DIY Home Improvement …
2021年5月15日 · If the A/c was added later it's probably pretty easy to fish a new 18/4 wire up to the air handler, the thermostat wire is more than likely not stapled in the wall. If you don't use the "fan on" feature on the thermostat, there is a fairly easy way to make the Ecobee work without running a new wire.
Wiring Aprilaire 800 with Ecobee to control humidity...
2024年12月21日 · To utilize the ecobee to control it with 1-wire configuration which sends power from R down the humidifier control wire, you need to use a isolation relay which would perform the same function. The isolation relay's coil that gets energized to activate it gets wired to the humidifier wire from thermostat and C/common terminal on the furnace.
Ecobee Causing Problems - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2020年10月12日 · He later told me the ecobee was the problem messing with control board. He sent me a picture of him trying to place the ecobee back on and it saying it was detecting a wiring problem. So he replaced my ecobee with a basic thermostat and everything worked. After a few weeks, I wondered if I could reinstall the ecobee.
Reducing Voltage to Thermostat from 28v to 24v
2016年6月8日 · Personally I like the Honeywells only. Nest has had problems and White Rodgers too. Not sure about ecobee. Honeywell makes all the thermostats for Lennox and stamps Lennox on them and has had no problems lately. No power stealing thermostats or other nonsense/issues.
thermostat replacement (Aube TH146) - DIY Home Improvement …
2022年11月16日 · I want to replace my old thermostat (Aube TH146 + CT280 control module) with an ecobee3 lite. I have an electric furnace (Bryant FX4DNF) and a heat pump (Bryant 285B). The ecobee seems to be compatible except the Aube has a line labeled WW, which, according to documentation, is a defrost signal. The ecobee does not have an equivalent terminal.
Thermostat and control for boiler pump problems.
2022年1月4日 · The nest E stat has had problems. Currently have the old Pro-1 mechanical stat controlling. Love how it works but I can't check temps remotely when gone. HVAC guy recommends Ecobee. I purchased one but didn't it boot up. Ecobee diagnostics guy said pump control voltage too high (between red and C wires) Measured 29.5. Ecobee says max of 27.
(w/ PIC) - No G Wire on Old Thermostat (W, Y and Rc only)
2018年12月16日 · I have a furnace (heating)/Heat pump (cooling) system. I wanted to upgrade my thermostat to a "Smart" thermostat and purchased the ecobee3 lite. The issue I'm having is that in my old house the wiring isn't conventional. It turns out I only have three wires at the thermostat: W, Y, and Rc (with a jumper to R). At the furnace, I actually have ...
Lennox G51MP Furnace Problem - DIY Home Improvement Forum
2017年5月3日 · Remove all the thermostat wires at the board after labelling them and taking a pic of them. Then jumper R to W and press in the door switch. It should start and run normally. If it does then there is a issue with the Ecobee probably. Very strange. I have the exact same furnace and am a Lennox tech.
Ecobee Smart thermostat blows 3amp fuse. - DIY Home …
2023年11月27日 · Ecobee needs a C wire to work so I used a loose wire in the thermostat wire bundle to run the C wire. Otherwise Red to Rc and White to W1. Should work no problem but it blows the 3amp fuse as soon as the ecobee is plugged into its mount. I suspected a bad thermostat wire (pinched by metal staples) so I did a new run of new thermostat wire.