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File E90700 Vol. 2 App. D Page 2 Issued: 2006-08-01 TEST EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURER: The test equipment for conducting the dielectric voltage-withstand test is to have the following features and characteristics: a) A means of indicating the test potential, in volts rms, b) A 40 – 70 Hz test potential that has: 1) A sinusoidal waveform ...
- [PDF]
UL E90700V1 - onsemi
E90700 PACKAGE CODE "E" Device Family CNG35 HI ICX HilDX HIIFX HI IGX HilLX HilNX HI IPX HI IAA.X HI IAGX 740L60XXS HilAD6X H11AD9X H11BD6X HilGD6X HilBD9X HI IGD9X HI IAAD2XX H11AAD6XX IADB6X SCDLS vol . 1 Sec. 5 and Report ILL . (Page 6 1 of 5) Issued : Revised: 07- 01- 13- 26- 94 01 CNG36. H11C2 , H74C2 , HI IDI, HilF2 , HilG2 , H11L2 , HI ,
File E90700 Vol. 2 App. D Page 2 Issued: 2006-08-01 TEST EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY MANUFACTURER: The test equipment for conducting the dielectric voltage-withstand test is to have the following features and characteristics: a) A means of indicating the test potential, in volts rms, b) A 40 – 70 Hz test potential that has: 1) A sinusoidal waveform ...
• UL recognized (file # E90700) DESCRIPTION The HCPL-3700 voltage/current threshold detection optocoupler consists of an AlGaAs LED connected to a threshold sensing input buffer IC which are optically coupled to a high gain darlington output. The input buffer chip is capable of controlling threshold levels over a wide range of input voltages
Only the UL Follow-Up Services Procedure provides authorization to apply the UL Mark. Only those products bearing the UL Recognized Component Mark should be considered as being UL Certified and covered under UL’s Follow-Up Services. Look for the UL Recognized Component Mark on the product.
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Datasheet Archive: E90700 datasheets
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The HCPL-3700 voltage/current threshold detection optocoupler consists of an AlGaAs LED connected to a threshold sensing input buffer IC which are optically cou-pled to a high gain darlington output. The input buffer chip is capable of controlling threshold levels over a wide range of input voltages with a single resistor.
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