Dr. MILK – Physician Mothers Interested in Lactation Knowledge
Dr. MILK stands for Mothers Interested in Lactation Knowledge. We are 51,000+ members strong! Join us at www.facebook.com/groups/drmilk. Be prepared to share your legal name and NPI (or other licensure) or practice website. We take verification of our members VERY seriously to provide a safe space.
About Us – Dr. MILK
Doctor M others I nterested in L actation K nowledge (Dr. MILK) provides evidence-based support and education for physician women to reach their breastfeeding goals and apply that knowledge to their medical practice.
In the News – Dr. MILK
Dr. Kennedy’s story resonates with so many and represents a failure of the systems meant to support the mother and infant. Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine is an emerging field that will help fill some gaps in care through earlier assessment, support, and management of medical issues that may contribute to breastfeeding difficulties.
Dr. Jones’s Page – Dr. MILK
Paging Dr. Milk: How physician moms find breastfeeding support. The breast milk supply over time. Not enough milk: Debunking breastfeeding myths. Preparing for breastfeeding: Choosing where to deliver. How to handle conflicting advice on infant care. Breastfeeding duration depends on preparation. New AAP report: Most medications safe for ...
Resources - Dr. MILK
Resources. Evidence-Based Resources are REALLY important to us! physicianguidetobreastfeeding.org/ © 2025 Dr. MILK LLC Built by Hoke Web Solutions
Love your MILKa – Dr. MILK
Dr. MILK. Wondering how to show your MILKa you appreciate her? We love the idea of using 5 Love Languages to show your MILKa you care! Acts of Service. Wash the pump parts; Do a load of laundry; Take the kids for an outing so she has some time for herself! Gift. Breastmilk jewelry;
Hilary Baer, DO Family Medicine Physician at The Vancouver Clinic Nanette Dahlquist, MD, FAAP, IBCLC, FABM Breastfeeding Medicine Emeritus , Oregon
Introducing LactDocs! – Dr. MILK
A BFLM physician can evaluate and manage both parts of the dyad (lactating person and milk fed infants/children) through the entire spectrum of breastfeeding (2+ years). Many physicians are interested and have some advanced knowledge either from their training, their personal experiences, or further CME!