Specimen Type: DISTAL PANCREATECTOMY Gross Template: Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] is an …
Pancreas (Distal) | Gross Pathology Manual - University of Chicago
Cut pancreas perpendicular to the main pancreatic duct. Fix in formalin or gross fresh. Shave, serially section and submit proximal pancreatic resection margin. Describe and measure the …
Pathology Outlines - Grossing
2023年3月22日 · Pancreas - Grossing describes how to gross specimens obtained from pancreaticoduodenectomy, distal pancreatectomy and total pancreatectomy procedures
Whipple Grossing Techniques • Bivalve: default for all, but especially ampullary, duodenal, and bile duct tumors • Axial: pancreas primary tumors (except . intraductal/mucinous neoplasms) • …
Cutting Manual - University of Michigan
Grossing Rectal Neoplasms: Abdominal Perineal Resections (APR), Low Anterior Resections (LAR) and other Rectal Resections
Grossing of distal pancreatectomy specimens, Surgical …
2020年12月31日 · The grossing of distal pancreatectomy specimens can be performed as follows: 1. Orientation of the specimen, either by markings applied by the operating surgeon or by …
It consists of is an [intact/disrupted***] distal pancreatectomy [provide orientation/unoriented***]. The distal pancreas measures [***] cm in length x [*** x ***] cm in cross sections.
GASTROINTESTINAL PATHOLOGY GROSSING GUIDELINES Page | 1 Specimen Type: PANCREATICODUODENECTOMY (Whipple Procedure) Procedure: 1. Describe the organs …
Liszka Ł, Mrowiec S, Kuśnierz K, Kajor M. Standardized grossing protocol is useful for the pathology reporting of malignant neoplasms other than adenocarcinomas treated with …
The above-mentioned technique for the grossing of distal pancreatectomy specimens is straightfor-ward and independent of anatomical variants, and therefore easily reproducible, …