What is the physical significance of the dilaton in string theory?
2012年6月20日 · The dilaton field is then an essential component of all superstrings models, and thus of the cosmological scenarios based on effective string actions. Chapter 9 in Maurizios Gasperini’s String Cosmology book is a very nice introduction to dilaton phenomenology and its importance in cosmology.
quantum field theory - The difference between The Dilaton and …
Dilaton is the generic name of the Goldstone Boson (GB) associated with spontaneous breaking of scale invariance. Any model that break scale invariance spontaneously will give rise to a dilaton. N=4 SYM for example has a moduli space and any modulus away form the origin will break conformal invariance, and a massless dilaton would appear.
Dilaton in Background Field - Physics Stack Exchange
2013年6月27日 · In this approach, you will see that the CFTs may have the term above, with a general function $\Phi(X)$ that has to obey a Klein-Gordon-like (with a potential) equation, the spacetime field equation for the dilaton field, for the 1-loop corrections to the world sheet scale invariance to cancel and everything else in the spacetime will depend on ...
quantum chromodynamics - Dilaton field and Scale symmetry …
I have read at some places that a dilaton field is associated with the spontaneous breaking of scale symmetry in a theory. (While others would be difficult to trace right now, the most easily acces...
What is the role of the dilaton in Jackiw-Teitelboim 2D gravity?
2021年5月20日 · In a sense, this is the result of introducing a spacetime cutoff which moves the boundary inwards a bit. Because only at the boundary at spatial infinity gravity can be neglected, this cutoff boundary feels the effect of gravity and the dilaton becomes dynamical. This is often called the boundary particle.
Equations of motion of the metric in Classical Dilaton Gravity
2021年6月17日 · In these lecture notes by Strominger section 3.3 we derive the equations of motion of the Classical Dilaton Gravity action $$ S = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int{d^2x}{\sqrt{-g}e^{-2\phi}\left(R +4 (\nabla\phi)...
User Dilaton - Physics Stack Exchange
2012年11月23日 · I am a co-founder of PhysicsOverflow (www.physicsoverflow.org), where I am mostly active these days.. For me personally, this site has unfortunately lost its usefulness for advancing and deepening my own physics knowledge, as most (even very advanced up to research-level) deep and interesting technical theoretical physics questions that contain LaTex …
quantum field theory - Massive dilaton - Physics Stack Exchange
2018年6月16日 · Dilaton field is one of the matter fields which comes from the string theory. However, people consider it as a scalar field in black hole physics, so the dilaton particle in this regard is spinless. In the low energy limit, the mass of dilaton is zero and also it has no charge. So, all three quantum numbers of dilaton are zero.
Einstein equations in 2 dimensional dilaton-gravity theories
2020年4月30日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
string theory - Does the Dilaton field change particle mass?
2021年3月5日 · So the dilaton VEV does not change the mass of massive excitations, although it does dictate the relevance of gravitational effects at the characteristic string length scale $\ell_s$, and by extension, uniquely fixes the 26D Newton's constant.