Hey guys, did you know that in terms of human Pokémon breeding
hey guys, did you k-know that in tewms o-of mawe human and femawe pokémon bweeding, vapoweon is the most compatibwe pokémon fow humans-.- not onwy awe they in the fiewd egg gwoup *:・゚ *:・゚ which is mostwy compwised of mammaws, v-vapoweon a-awe an avewage of 3"03' taww a-and 63.9 pounds (* ^ ω ^) this means t-they'we wawge e-enough to ...
Umbreon > Vaporeon : r/copypasta - Reddit
2020年5月22日 · Hey, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is actually not the most compatible Pokémon for humans? This is a common and understandable misconception, however Vaporeon has it's human on Pokémon breedability outclassed by it's cousin evolution, Umbreon.
Did you know Viggo broke his toe? : r/lotrmemes - Reddit
AcTuAlLy He BrOkE TwO ToEs In other, less well-known facts, the guy who played Gimli, John Rys-Davies, didn't have the tip of one of his fingers, I believe it was his middle.
Can someone explain the meme of Hisoka's bungee gum? Like
2020年4月15日 · That's right. 'gum' is a kind of sticky substance that stretches, is really malleable and so forth, sticks to things / holds things together (think chewing gum); rubber, on the other hand, you'd expect to be more durable, have a stronger 'rebound' when stretched, and be very useful (think rubber band).
Hi, I’m Saul Goodman. Did you know that you have rights? The
2022年9月22日 · Become a 🔥🔥🔥 ConservativeMemes 🔥🔥🔥 subscriber! — Click the JOIN button now, and post your Conservative Memes later at /r/ConservativeMemes !!! — If you like political humor, political memes, politically incorrect memes, or conservative memes, this is the sub for you!
VAPOREON : r/copypasta - Reddit
2019年11月5日 · Awso, fun fact, if you puww out enough, you can make youw Vapoweon tuwn white. Vapoweon is witewawwy buiwt fow human dick. Ungodwy defense stat + high HP poow + Acid Awmow means it can take cock aww day, aww shapes and sizes and stiww come fow mowe.
Did you know .... : r/Hololive - Reddit
To show you the power of Flex Tape, I SAWED THIS BOAT IN HALF and repaired it with only Flex Tape. Not only does Flex Tape's powerful adhesive hold the boat together, but it creates a super strong, water-tight seal so the inside is completely dry. YEE DOGGIE! Just cut, peel, stick, and seal. Imagine everything you can do with the power of Flex ...
“Mary did you know?” : r/CatholicMemes - Reddit
2023年1月9日 · Explain to me please… did she know? Like, the angel Gabriel told her that she would conceive a son, and he’d be pretty special. But she didn’t know about the crucifixion, or all the miracles he’d do, or really most of the specifics, right?
Hey guys, did you know? : r/copypasta - Reddit
2019年8月10日 · Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokemon breeding, Vaporeon is actually not the most compatible Pokemon for humans? This is a common and understandable misconception, however Vaporeon has it's human on Pokemon breedability outclassed by it's cousin evolution, Umbreon.
Destiny 2: Did you know? : r/destiny2 - Reddit
2023年7月7日 · r/destiny2 is a community hub for fans to talk about the going-ons of Destiny 2. All posts and discussion should in someway relate to the game.