Addepar - Investment Portfolio Management Platform
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DEPART Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of DEPART is to go away : leave. How to use depart in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Depart.
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Addepar has direct data feeds to a variety of data sources. As data comes into Addepar, it is normalized and grouped for analysis. Our automated verification checks process incoming data, across all asset classes for inconsistencies and potential gaps in data accuracy.
DEPART | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
DEPART meaning: 1. to go away or leave, especially on a journey: 2. to go away or leave, especially on a trip: 3…. Learn more.
Emploi | Association Depar | Arnage
L'association DEPAR accueille les demandeurs d'emploi et personnes précaires d'Arnage.
Depart - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
To depart is to go away or to choose a different direction. If you are catching a plane, you are soon to depart. And, if you are wearing a kilt instead of jeans, you depart from your usual look.
DEPART Synonyms: 128 Similar and Opposite Words - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for DEPART: exit, move, go, get, start, flee, quit, evacuate; Antonyms of DEPART: come, arrive, remain, stay, abide, dwell, show up, settle
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Deparsolar - Depar Group
DEPAR Group of Companies is well organized to produce solutions in line with the needs of its customers spread all over the world. Agile and flexible in every way; It has a strategic planning structure that responds to military and market needs and challenges.
« De par » ou « de part » ? - Orthographe - La langue française
2025年2月20日 · Exemples anciens de l’usage de « de part » (Littré) : XIe s. Ch. de Rol. CC: Sainz Gabriel qui de part Deu le garde XIIe s. Th. le mart. 139: Sire, fait-il, laenz sunt quatre bacheler, De part le roi Henri volent à vos parler Rois, p. 144: De part nostre Seignur ib. 53: Samuel li prophete vint à Saül de part Deu. Exceptions : attention, on écrit encore « de part » dans certaines ...