Denso remanufactured alternator from Rockauto - Toyota Nation …
2021年7月15日 · The replacement alternator worked great for almost two weeks until one day I heard whining noise at idle, dimming interior lights and the voltage on radar detector barely staying above 13v and at times going lower. Sure enough the alternator failed the test at Autozone. Great, 3 more hours of taking everything a part and re-installing the ...
Alternator Rebuild DIY - Toyota Nation Forum
2017年4月23日 · A Denso reman is close to $100 from RockAuto. Because I am waiting on the correct front bearing I have not put this back together yet, so will have to wait on any after build noise check. 1995 Camry Wagon LE. 2.2 5S-FE, Auto, 261K
Replaced alternator with remanned Denso, charging...
2024年12月23日 · Original Denso alternator was providing insufficient charging current. Autozone diagnostics charging current test result was a fail. Yesterday, I replaced the OEM alternator with remanufactured Denso (DENSO 2101070 from RockAuto).
Denso replacement Alternator for 650 - Page 2 - Soviet Steeds
2012年3月4日 · Here in the States, the Nippon Denso 100211-1680 alternator is very common. All our forklifts at work have them (yes I looked ). John Deere, Kubota, Yanmar, Toyota, Nissan, Genie, Terrex, Thermo King, and many other industrial equipment manufacturers use it.
New or reman alternator? - Toyota Nation Forum
2020年12月10日 · I bought a reman Denso from RockAuto and total cost was less than half a new one from a local auto store would cost. Sent the old alternator back in the box the new one came in with a printed shipping slip. I also replaced the belt (it was original, 8-9 years old). If it was a good friend, I would have covered the extra cost to get the Denso.
Alternator Voltage Low At Idle - Toyota Nation Forum
2024年12月14日 · This is not 'unusual' - the engine RPM needs to be 850+ on the '00 Camry here to begin initiating charging via the Alternator. Many Denso / and A/C Delco units do not start giving meaningful charging output until you hit 900 to 1k RPM on the Tachometer. .. Your test, while 'meaningful', is not a true indication of alternator condition -
Denso Alternator swap - Soviet Steeds
2010年7月14日 · I have been riding 20 years and 200,000 miles on mostily Bmw Bikes (2 Ks,2R,).I have just picked up a 2002 Ural Deco with 1800ko for 3500.00.I have been a fan of sidecars as long as I like two wheels,My understanding is the alternator in the 02 is not great and the Denso is the way to go.Were could I get one,how hard is it to replace (I am a ok …
Which alternator do you recommend | Toyota Nation Forum
2016年7月25日 · Dr Z and Dannos advice is the best. I rarely have anything bad on a Denso alternator other than worn brushes. My almost 300k alternator did have badly worn slip rings though. I put new brushes on a junk yard part and 60k later its still going strong.-SP
compatible alternator - Toyota Nation Forum
2024年3月28日 · I'll run one more test this evening, but it looks more and more like it really is the alternator that causes the issue. On a local junk yard I found one from another 2002 Camry V6 but not built in Japan. It's alternator is: DENSO# 101211-7450 Toyota part#: 27060-0a070 while mine is DENSO# 101211-7440 Toyota part#: 27060-0230
Best replacement alternator - Toyota Nation Forum
2021年7月29日 · Best replacement alternator is the one in the car. Find an armature shop to rebuild it, or source one from a salvage yard. #1 killer of a new alternator is a barely charged battery. Make sure your battery is fully charged prior to …