DMU 75 monoBLOCK 2nd Generation - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI
Solutions for a safe process and for the efficient use of important machining steps; Applications: cone cleaning, tool data monitoring, safe withdrawal movement, tapping, deep hole drilling, external thread and spigot milling, internal thread and circular milling, reverse countersink cycle
monoBLOCK Series - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI
DMU monoBLOCK series. The monoBLOCK series has a machine concept for every sector: Be it 5-axis simultaneous machining, highly dynamic high-speed milling with spindle speeds up to 30,000 rpm, integrated mill-turning with table speeds up to 1,200 rpm, high-torque cutting with torques up to 317.2 ft lb or the broad field of productive parts machining with 3 – 5 axes.
DMU Series - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI
CELOS: The app based control and operating system; Exclusive DMG MORI technology cycles available; ERGOline 21.5‘‘ Multi Touch Panel with CELOS and SIEMENS SINUMERIK 840D sl; ERGOline 21.5‘‘ Multi Touch Panel with CELOS and HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 (only for DMU 50 3 rd Generation available); ERGOline 21.5‘‘ Multi Touch Panel with CELOS and MAPPS on …
DMU 95 monoBLOCK - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI
Ergonomic. Large door opening of 1,500 and unique access to the working area, most compact machine with a footprint of only 129.2 ft²; Unrestricted crane loading of up to 2,204.3 lb
monoBLOCK: the original sets new standards - DMG MORI USA
2023年1月30日 · The DMU 75 monoBLOCK 2 nd Generation was again designed as a complete package. It is equipped with a speedMASTER SK 40 motor spindle. 20,000 rpm and 130 Nm offer a perfect balance between speed and torque. Its tool magazine has 60 places as standard. Added to this is optimum protection of the machine through quick shutdown thanks to Machine ...
DMU 65 (FD) monoBLOCK 2 nd Generation - DMG MORI USA
DMU 65 (FD) monoBLOCK 2nd Generation - 5-axis CNC milling machines and 5-axis CNC milling centers from DMG MORI
2017年2月15日 · The DMU 75 monoBLOCK package is completed by a powerful SK40 speedMASTER motor spindle with 20,000 rpm, 130 Nm (40 % ED) and 35 kW (40 % ED) and a vertical chain magazine for 60 tools. Offering CELOS with MAPPS on FANUC DMG MORI is able to meet the preference of even more customers.
DMU 65 H (FD) monoBLOCK - Horizontal milling - DMG MORI USA
Advanced pallet storage solution for up to 8 machines and 99 pallets. Handling of workpieces up to ø 3,400 x 2,000 mm, 10,000 kg; Very flexible pallet pool system with up to 8 machines, 99 pallets and 5 setup stations
Groninger – Customer Story - DMG MORI USA
2022年6月13日 · “Adding the DMU 75 monoBLOCK is a great opportunity for groninger USA to supply our customers even faster and increase service agility.” By manufacturing lots of parts in-house on the 5-axis machining center, the company can react quicker to customer needs and achieve shorter lead times compared to overseas and U.S. third party parts vendors.
DMU 50 3 rd Generation - DMG MORI USA
5-Axis Machining with up to 20,000 rpm. speedMASTER 15,000 rpm with 28.2 hp and 81.9 ft lb in basic version speedMASTER 15,000 rpm with 61.7 hp and 147.5 ft lb optionally available