Cubanite - Wikipedia
Cubanite is a copper iron sulfide mineral that commonly occurs as a minor alteration mineral in magmatic sulfide deposits. It has the chemical formula CuFe 2 S 3 and when found, it has a bronze to brass-yellow appearance.
Cubanite | Silvery-black, Copper-Iron | Britannica
cubanite, a copper and iron sulfide mineral (CuFe 2 S 3) that characteristically occurs with chalcopyrite or pyrrhotite in deposits formed at high temperatures, as in Barracanao, Cuba; Sudbury, Ont., Can.; and Fierro, N.M., U.S. The mineral forms opaque, brassy or bronze-yellow crystals that belong to the orthorhombic system.
Cubanite Mineral Data
Cubanite Comments: Brassy, lustrous, cyclic-twinned cubanite on matrix. Location: Henderson # 2 Mine, Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada. Scale: 10x6 mm. © Tom Loomis / Dakota Matrix
Cubanite: Mineral information, data and localities.
Named for the country of Cuba, which includes the type locality. Very sensitive to temperature, pressure and compositional variations. When heated between 200 and 210°C, cubanite transforms irreversibly to isocubanite (Cabri et al. 1973; see also Sawada et al., 1962; Yund & Kullerud, 1966; Fleet, 1970; Dutrizac, 1976).
Cubanite may exsolve from chalcopyrite below about 200 C–210 C. A rare constituent of some carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Chalcopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, sphalerite. Distribution: Numerous localities; may be an important ore mineral. From Barracanao, Cuba [TL]. In the USA, at Fierro, Grant Co.,
Cubanite Mineral Specimens - iRocks.com
2025年3月5日 · MD-177326 Cubanite Henderson No. 2 mine, Chibougamau, Nord-du-Quebec, Quebec, Canada Thumbnail 2.2 x 1.5 x 1.0 cm
CUBANITE (Copper Iron Sulfide)
Chemistry: CuFe 2 S 3, Copper Iron Sulfide. Uses: A very minor ore of copper and as mineral specimens. Cubanite (also known as " chalmersite ") is a rare copper mineral that does not contribute much to the supply of copper.
Cubanite mineral information and data - Dakota Matrix
Cubanite - Named for the type locality of the mineral in the country Cuba at Barracanao in the Moa-Baracoa district and Mayari-Baracoa belt of the Ori
CUBANITE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of CUBANITE is a bronze-yellow copper-iron sulfide CuFe2S3.
Cubanite (cbn) | SpringerLink
2023年7月13日 · This chapter describes Cubanite (abbrv. cub), as seen with optical, reflected light microscopy. Compositional data, main properties and optical parameters are first summarized (introductory table and preliminary remarks).